About the Journal
The teacher education journal is a place for researchers to develop their competencies in the fields of research, education and community service. This journal is related to the world of general education such as early childhood education, educational psychology, primary school teacher education, mathematics education, physics education, chemical education, management education, educational guidance and counseling and other practical studies. Journal On Teacher Education publish publications four times a year in March, June, September adn december. This journal is registered with E-ISSN: 2686-1798 and P-ISSN: 2686-1895.
Current Issue
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Journal on Teacher Education
Pengaruh Corong Berhitung terhadap Motivasi Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas II SD
Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi Wordwall dalam Pembelajaran terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik di SMAN 2 Padang
English Syntactic Analysis in Automatic Translation Text: A Study on Sentence Structure Accuracy
Analysis of Internal Motivation and External Motivation Factors Affecting English Learning Difficulties in Midwifery Undergraduate Students at Universitas Adurrab
The Impact of Syntax-Semantics Awareness on English Writing Proficiency in Undergraduate Students
From Words to Structure: An Introduction to Syntax
Effects of Thematic Model Science Student Worksheet on Student’s Learning Outcomes: a Meta-Analysis
Analisis Tantangan Guru dalam Menerapkan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi pada Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Dasar