Author Guidelines
Author Guideline
Carefully read the following submission guidelines:
A. General Requirements
Minimum standard requirements for Sharing: Journal of Islamic Economics, Management and Business must:
1. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English. The maximum length of 20 pages. The editor evaluates if the manuscript is more than 20 pages.
2. Use tools such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for reference organization and formatting, and choose APA (American Psychological Association) Style.
3. The paper begins with the title of the manuscript, author's name, author affiliation, and address followed by an abstract written in italics (Italic) of 150-200 words.
4. If the manuscript is in Indonesian, then the abstract must be written in good and correct Indonesian and English. If the article is in English, then the language of the abstract is only written in English.
5. Manuscripts with the Online Submission System at
6. Notification of receipt: the latest receipt information is 30 days. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE & MONEY ARTICLE GUIDE Sharing: Journal of Islamic Economics, Management and Business
B. Manuscript Structure
1. Introduction. The introduction must contain (structured) general background, problems, and previous literature review (state of art) as the basis for the statement of the scientific novelty of the article, statement of scientific novelty, and research problems or hypotheses. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the research article should be written.
2. In a scientific article, the format is not allowed for the literature review as is the case in research reports, but is stated in (a state-of-the-art) review to show the novelty of the scientific article and can be developed in writing. conceptually based on previous research studies.
3. Method. The method used to solve the problem is written in this section. The method must be structured, clear and easy to understand, and precise in using the method.
4. Results: Type scientific research findings according to the method used. but must be supported by adequate data and facts. There is no discussion of the research findings, this section only explains the research findings.
5. Discussion: this section does not rewrite the research results, but rather examines the research results scientifically, instead of restating the research data obtained. Scientific findings that must be described in IPA include: Were these scientific findings obtained? Why is this happening? Why such a variable trend? All of these questions must be explained scientifically, not just descriptively, and must be supported by scientific phenomena. Furthermore, it must also explain the comparison with the results of other researchers' research on the same topic. The research results and findings must be able to answer the research hypotheses in the introduction section.
6. Conclusion: Each article closes with a conclusion that summarizes the answers to the hypotheses or research objectives or scientific findings obtained. The conclusion does not contain a repetition of the results and discussion, but rather a summary of the findings as expected from the objectives or hypotheses. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion you can also write things that will be associated with the idea of further research.
7. Reference. All references in the text of the article must be written in the References section. References must contain references that come from primary sources (journals). Scientific journal published last 5 years. Each article contains at least 15 (fifteen) referred references. The writing format used in this Scientific Management & Business journal conforms to the APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Association) format.
8. Writing citations and references uses automatic reference management to be more consistent in writing citations and references using reference management application programs such as Mendeley, EndNote or Zotero, or others.