About the Journal
Sharing: Journal of Islamic Economics Management and Business is published by the Department of Islamic Economics, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai in helping academics, researchers, and practitioners to disseminate their research results. Sharingis a blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing quality research results in the fields of Islamic Economics, Management and Business. All publications in the Sharing Journal are open access which allows articles to be available online for free without any subscription.
Sharing is a national journal with e-ISSN: 2985-3370, and is free of charge in the submission process and review process. Journal of Islamic Economics, Management and Business publishes articles periodically twice a year, in December and June.
Sharing uses Turnitin plagiarism checks, Mendeley for reference management and supported by Crossref (DOI) for identification of scientific paper.
Journal title : Sharing: Journal of Islamic Economics, Management and Business
Initials : Sharing
Frequency : 2 issues per Year
P-ISSN : 2964-8645
E-ISSN : 2985-3370
Editor in Chief : Dr. Mohd. Winario
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai