
  • Basrowi Basrowi Universitas Bina Bangsa
  • Uli Wildan Nuryanto Universitas Bina Bangsa
  • Eva Muti’ah Universitas Bina Bangsa
  • Andriani Sariwardani Universitas Bina Bangsa



Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan, Stunting, Desa Kemuning


Kesehatan merupakan hal utama dalam proses kehidupan, untuk mendapatkan kesehatan yang prima perlu adanya penerapan pola hidup sehat. Kurangnya pengetahuan seputar gizi seimbang dan penerapan hidup bersih menjadi faktor utama terganggunya kesehatan. Salah satu permasalahan besar yang muncul akibat kesalahan pola hidup adalah kekurangan gizi kronis yang disebut stunting. Angka stunting saat ini masih mendominasi dan menjadi permasalahan kesehatan yang mengancam perkembangan generasi muda. Hal ini perlu menjadi perhatian khusus bagi seluruh masyarakat agar bisa ditanggulangi dengan serius, karena hal ini akan menghambat tumbuh kembang anak dan mengganggu kecerdasan intelektual anak. Oleh karena itu, pencegahan stunting perlu segera dilakukan untuk keselamatan dan kelangsungan hidup generasi yang lebih maju. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pencegahan dan penanggulangan stunting di Kampung Rancawiru Desa Kemuning Kecamatan Kresek Kabupaten Tangerang Banten. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penyuluhan dan praktik. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui pre-test dan post-test. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dampak positif kegiatan pelatihan literasi pendegahan dan penanggulangan stunting, cara hidup sehat, pola pemberian gizi berimbang, dan perawatan anak usia 1000 HPK terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai pencegahan dan penanggulangan stunting di Desa Kemuning.  


Ahmad, A. S., Azis, A., & Care, C. (2021). Analysis of Risk Factors for the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers. 9, 10–14.

Bukar S. (2020). Comparison and Evaluation of Different Post-Hoc Test Statistics Using Randomized Complete Block Design. Thesis, 53(9), 1689–1699.

Hariyani, M., Kusumawardani, D., & Sukardjo, M. (2021). Effectiveness of use of Electronic Module in Sociology Subjects of Social Change for Equality Education Package C. Journal of Education Technology, 5(3), 452–460.

Hidayati, P. H., Natasha, R., Latief, S., Nasruddin, & Wahid, S. (2021). Implementation of Quizziz as a Pretest and Post-Test to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Small Group Learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021), 567(Icme), 156–160.

Kathryn, G., Christine, P., Ryan, K., Dewey, K. G., Stewart, C. P., Wessells, K. R., Prado, E. L., & Arnold, C. D. (2021). Authors Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements for the prevention of child malnutrition and promotion of healthy development?: overview of individual participant data meta-analysis and programmatic implications.

Kathryn, G., Susana, L., & Dewey, K. G. (2020). Nutrient supplementation during the first 1000 days and growth of infants born to pregnant adolescents.

Komang, I. Y., Ashar, K., & Syafitri, W. (2023). The Effect of Food Ingredients Containing Protein on Stunting Cases in East Java. 6(1), 368–375.

Maxwell, A., Ournal, T. H. E. J., & Ediatrics, O. F. P. (2019). Effects of Daily Zinc, Daily Multiple Micronutrient Powder, or Therapeutic Zinc Supplementation for Diarrhea Prevention on Physical Growth, Anemia, and Micronutrient Status in Rural Laotian Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Nopala, E. E., Picauly, I., & Talahatu, A. H. (2021). Risk Factors for Stunting at Lurasik Health Center. 3(1), 11–21.

Nugraheni, D. E., Yorita, E., Pravita, A., & Asih, Y. (2023). Scoring Card for Characteristics of Mother , Child , and Environment in Early Stunting Detection Efforts Kartu Skoring Karakteristik Ibu , Anak , dan Lingkungan dalam Upaya Deteksi Dini Stunting. 14(1), 81–87.

Qaisar, R., & Karim, A. (2022). OPEN A comparison of international and national references to measure the prevalence of stunting in Pakistani school ? age girls. Scientific Reports, 0123456789, 1–8.

Samboteng, L., Nadeak, B., Razati, G., Abidin, A. Z., & Rachman, R. S. (2023). The Effectiveness of Pre-test and Post-test Using Kahoot in Increasing Students’ Attention. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 15(1), 203–210.

Sari, G. M., Rosyada, A., Himawati, A., Rahmaniar, D., Purwono, P. B., Airlangga, U., Airlangga, K., Ship, H., Airlangga, U., & Airlangga, U. (2021). EARLY STUNTING DETECTION EDUCATION AS AN EFFORT TO INCREASE MOTHER ’ S. 57(1), 70–75.

Tadesse, S. E., Mekonnen, T. C., & Id, M. A. (2020). Priorities for intervention of childhood stunting in northeastern Ethiopia?: A matched case-control study. 82, 1–13.

Teti, B. V. D., Takaeb, A. E. L., Dodo, D. O., & Nabuasa, E. (2023). Factors Associated with Stunting in Children Aged 6-24 Months in Noelbaki Village. 5(1), 416–426.

Toda, B. D., Picauly, I., & Ndun, H. J. N. (2022). Factors Related to Stunting in the Working Area of Palla Community Health Center , Southwest Sumba Regency. 4(2), 125–135.

Ahmad, A. S., Azis, A., & Care, C. (2021). Analysis of Risk Factors for the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers. 9, 10–14.

Bukar S. (2020). Comparison and Evaluation of Different Post-Hoc Test Statistics Using Randomized Complete Block Design. Thesis, 53(9), 1689–1699.

Hariyani, M., Kusumawardani, D., & Sukardjo, M. (2021). Effectiveness of use of Electronic Module in Sociology Subjects of Social Change for Equality Education Package C. Journal of Education Technology, 5(3), 452–460.

Hidayati, P. H., Natasha, R., Latief, S., Nasruddin, & Wahid, S. (2021). Implementation of Quizziz as a Pretest and Post-Test to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Small Group Learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Education (ICME 2021), 567(Icme), 156–160.

Kathryn, G., Christine, P., Ryan, K., Dewey, K. G., Stewart, C. P., Wessells, K. R., Prado, E. L., & Arnold, C. D. (2021). Authors Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements for the prevention of child malnutrition and promotion of healthy development?: overview of individual participant data meta-analysis and programmatic implications.

Kathryn, G., Susana, L., & Dewey, K. G. (2020). Nutrient supplementation during the first 1000 days and growth of infants born to pregnant adolescents.

Komang, I. Y., Ashar, K., & Syafitri, W. (2023). The Effect of Food Ingredients Containing Protein on Stunting Cases in East Java. 6(1), 368–375.

Maxwell, A., Ournal, T. H. E. J., & Ediatrics, O. F. P. (2019). Effects of Daily Zinc, Daily Multiple Micronutrient Powder, or Therapeutic Zinc Supplementation for Diarrhea Prevention on Physical Growth, Anemia, and Micronutrient Status in Rural Laotian Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Nopala, E. E., Picauly, I., & Talahatu, A. H. (2021). Risk Factors for Stunting at Lurasik Health Center. 3(1), 11–21.

Nugraheni, D. E., Yorita, E., Pravita, A., & Asih, Y. (2023). Scoring Card for Characteristics of Mother , Child , and Environment in Early Stunting Detection Efforts Kartu Skoring Karakteristik Ibu , Anak , dan Lingkungan dalam Upaya Deteksi Dini Stunting. 14(1), 81–87.

Qaisar, R., & Karim, A. (2022). OPEN A comparison of international and national references to measure the prevalence of stunting in Pakistani school ? age girls. Scientific Reports, 0123456789, 1–8.

Samboteng, L., Nadeak, B., Razati, G., Abidin, A. Z., & Rachman, R. S. (2023). The Effectiveness of Pre-test and Post-test Using Kahoot in Increasing Students’ Attention. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 15(1), 203–210.

Sari, G. M., Rosyada, A., Himawati, A., Rahmaniar, D., Purwono, P. B., Airlangga, U., Airlangga, K., Ship, H., Airlangga, U., & Airlangga, U. (2021). EARLY STUNTING DETECTION EDUCATION AS AN EFFORT TO INCREASE MOTHER ’ S. 57(1), 70–75.

Tadesse, S. E., Mekonnen, T. C., & Id, M. A. (2020). Priorities for intervention of childhood stunting in northeastern Ethiopia?: A matched case-control study. 82, 1–13.

Teti, B. V. D., Takaeb, A. E. L., Dodo, D. O., & Nabuasa, E. (2023). Factors Associated with Stunting in Children Aged 6-24 Months in Noelbaki Village. 5(1), 416–426.

Toda, B. D., Picauly, I., & Ndun, H. J. N. (2022). Factors Related to Stunting in the Working Area of Palla Community Health Center , Southwest Sumba Regency. 4(2), 125–135.




How to Cite

Basrowi, B., Nuryanto, U. W. ., Muti’ah, E. ., & Sariwardani, A. . (2024). PENCEGAHAN DAN PENANGGULANGAN STUNTING DI DESA KEMUNING. Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 5(1), 1785–1792.