
  • Ayu Khoirotul Umaroh Universitas Indonesia
  • Tri Krianto Karjoso Universitas Indonesia




reproductive health, sexual health, health communication, Logic Model, adolescent


Reproductive health issues and adolescent sexuality are important studies, such as premarital sexual behavior, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, STIs, and HIV-AIDS. One of the factors that influence adolescent risky sexual behavior is knowledge. The knowledge index number on adolescent reproductive health in Central Java is still low about 58.1%. One of the parties that has a role in the field of adolescent reproductive health is the youth center. This research examined health communication about reproductive and sexual health at the PILAR PKBI Youth Center, Central Java. This research used a qualitative approach with a case study design. The theoretical framework used the Logic Model. Informants were determined by purposive sampling with a total of 19 people. The data collection method was by in-depth interviews via Whatsapp and focus group discussions through Zoom meetings due to the pandemic situation. Data was analyzed with thematic analysis. Research ethics used the Helinski Declaration rules and informed consent. The results of the research were 1) The issues raised were in accordance with the CSE material; 2) The goal is to increase youth care and responsibility; 3) Inputs owned by trained human resources and adequate funding sources; 4) The communication process runs with educational activities, empowerment, and counseling with strategies for the formation of PE, lobbying, advocacy, and collaborative activities, as well as the materials and media, used vary widely according to the target; 5) Communication outputs are the establishment of peer educators and stakeholder support; 6) The results of the communication program are the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of target adolescents are qualitatively good. The health communication carried out by PILAR and the results obtained is quite good. However, it still needs attention to be paid to increasing the capacity of volunteers and peer educators as communicants.

Author Biographies

Ayu Khoirotul Umaroh, Universitas Indonesia

Departemen Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku

Tri Krianto Karjoso, Universitas Indonesia

Departemen Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku


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How to Cite

Umaroh, A. K., & Karjoso, T. K. (2023). KOMUNIKASI KESEHATAN TENTANG KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DAN SEKSUAL KOMPREHENSIF (Studi di Youth Center Pilar Jawa Tengah). PREPOTIF : JURNAL KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT, 5(1), 210–227. https://doi.org/10.31004/prepotif.v5i1.1530


