About the Journal

CARE: Journal Pengabdian Multi Disiplin: is published by the Islamic Religion Faculty, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai in helping academics, researchers, and practitioners to disseminate their research results. Care is a blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing quality research results in the fields of community service and applied research. All publications in the Care Journal are open access, allowing articles to be available online for free without any subscription. Care is a national journal free of charge in the submission and review process. CARE: Journal Pengabdian Multi Disiplin publishes articles periodically twice a year. Care uses Turnitin plagiarism checks, and Mendeley for reference management and is supported by Crossref (DOI) for the identification of scientific papers.

Journal Title        : CARE: Journal Pengabdian Multi Disiplin
Initial                   : Care
Frequency           : 2 issues per Year

E-ISSN                  : 2986-7479
Editor in Chief    : Zubaidah Assyifa, S.E.I., ME
Language           : Indonesia (id) and English (en)
Publication Fee  : Free