Pemetaan Kondisi Saluran Drainase Primer Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis Kecamatan Bangkinang Kota


  • Roni Bahtiar Program Studi S1 Teknik Sipil Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Riau
  • Hanantatur Adeswastoto Program Studi S1 Teknik Sipil Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Riau


Riau Province is a province that often experiences floods and this occurs in seven districts in Riau Province, including: Bengkalis Regency, Indragiri Hulu, Indragiri Hilir, Pelalawan, Rokan Hulu, Rokan Hilir and Kampar Regency. Bangkinang Kota sub-district is a sub-district in Kampar Regency which includes areas where some areas are always flooded by rain. This is because the primary drainage channel is damaged and does not function effectively so that water overflows and creates puddles on the shoulders of the road and emits an unpleasant odor.The purpose of this study is to determine the existing drainage conditions. The research method used is a field survey and literature study where the data needed is drainage specification data, satellite imagery and boundaries, and the administration of Bangkinang Kota District. The results of this study are that the drainage channel in Bangkinang Kota District has 5 channels and 3 Petai River channels with different sizes in each channel but there is a lot of garbage, soil, and stones which result in silting of the channel so that it cannot drain water. Some of the primary canals are connected to road drainage which are covered by wood and concrete slabs that are used as sidewalks and local community stalls.


