Evidence Midwifery Journal
<table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="15%">Title</td> <td width="85%">: Evidence Midwifery Journal</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Website</td> <td width="85%">: <a href="https://journal.universitaspahlawan.ac.id/index.php/evidence">https://journal.universitaspahlawan.ac.id/index.php/evidence</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">ISSN</td> <td width="85%">: 2963-413X</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">DOI Prefix</td> <td width="85%">: </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Subject</td> <td width="85%">:</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Frequency</td> <td width="85%">: Quarterly</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Language</td> <td width="85%">: Indonesia (id)</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Indexed at</td> <td width="85%">: Garuda, BASE, OneSearch, Moraref, etc.</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Citation</td> <td width="85%">: <a href="https://scholar.google.com/">https://scholar.google.com/</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">OAI</td> <td width="85%">:https://journal.universitaspahlawan.ac.id/index.php/evidence/management/settings/context</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>The <a href="https://journal.universitaspahlawan.ac.id/index.php/evidence/submissions">Evidance Midwifery Journal (EMJ)</a> is an electronic journal that contains research journals of research results and literature studies related to the health sector, especially midwifery related to health and midwifery problems, which are holistic, humanistic based on evidence based with a midwifery care management approach, and pay attention to the physical, psychological, emotional, socio-cultural, spiritual, economic and environmental that can affect women's reproductive health, including promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative efforts</p> <p><a href="https://journal.universitaspahlawan.ac.id/index.php/evidence/submissions">Evidance Midwifery Journal (EMJ)</a> is a National peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the exchange of high-quality research results in all aspects of health in particular midwifery. This journal publishes research results based on evidence-based scientific theory and practice with the proposed method systematically and based on research methods. The results of the publications in this study are a form of support, commitment and solutions to various problems in the health sector and to realize a high degree of maternal and child health. <a href="https://journal.universitaspahlawan.ac.id/index.php/evidence/submissions">Evidance Midwifery Journal (EMJ)</a> follows an open access policy that allows published articles to be available online.</p>LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusaien-USEvidence Midwifery Journal2963-413XHubungan Usia Kehamilan dengan Kejadian Ketuban Pecah Dini di Klinik Fatiha Bangkinang Tahun 2022
<p><em>The direct cause of maternal death in Indonesia is 80% due to obstetric complications and 20% due to other causes. Apart from that, there are three main factors that cause 3 maternal deaths, namely, bleeding, hypertension during pregnancy or pre-eclamation and infection. Bleeding occupies the highest percentage of causes of maternal death (28%), eclampsia 24% and infections caused by PROM 11%, while indirect causes are CED 37% in pregnancy, anemia 40% in pregnancy. Premature rupture of membranes (KPD) or premature rupture of membrane (PROM) is the rupture of the amniotic membrane before delivery, can occur in term or preterm pregnancy. If PROM occurs in preterm pregnancy, it is also called preterm premature rupture of membrane (PPROM). Potential complications of PROM that often occur are the risk of infection, umbilical cord prolapse, fetal disorders, premature birth and at 37 weeks of gestation, respiratory distress syndrome complications often occur which occur in 10-40% of newborns. Apart from KPD babies, it is also dangerous for the mother's life, resulting in the mother's death. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between gestational age and the incidence of premature rupture of membranes at the Fatiha Clinic in 2021. This research design used quantitative research methods with a case control approach. Case samples were taken using total sampling technique and control samples used systematic random sampling. The research was carried out at the Fatiha Clinic. The case population is data from 102 KPD pregnant women and the control population is 645 normal pregnant women who do not have KPD. The research uses a secondary data checklist sheet. Univariate and Bivariate data analysis using the Chi-Squere test. These results show that there is a relationship between maternal gestational age and the incidence of premature rupture of membranes, with a p value at gestational age of 0.002 < 0.05. To prevent the incidence of PROM, it is necessary to improve the quality of ANC services by recognizing complications in pregnancy as early as possible</em></p>Ratu Sri WahyuniFitri Handayani
Copyright (c) 2024 Evidence Midwifery Journal
<p><em>Diarrhea is still a global problem with high levels of morbidity and mortality in various countries, especially in developing countries, and is also one of the main causes of high morbidity and mortality rates for children under five in the world, especially for children aged 1 to 4 years. The role of midwives is very important in providing midwifery care to toddlers with diarrhea problems. Obtaining evidence based in addition to Varney's 7 steps regarding 5 types of diarrhea as a reference for handling toddlers with diarrhea and obtaining treatment for diarrhea. This research aims to determine midwifery care for toddlers with diarrhea problems at the Risanna Midwife Independent Practice in the Laboy Jaya Health Center Work Area in 2023. The type of research used in the case study is descriptive research. The subject of this case study is a toddler with diarrhea, namely An.F. The results of this research were midwifery care for toddlers aged 4 years who experienced diarrhea problems at PMB Risanna, Laboy Jaya Community Health Center Working Area in 2023, by providing ORS, zinc tablets, nutritious food in small but frequent portions (eggs, vegetables, temped and tofu) and health education on how to prevent diarrhea in toddlers. The assessment was carried out using SOAP and carried out in 3 visits with the result that An.F recovered from diarrhea. It is hoped that mothers of toddlers will prevent dehydration in toddlers who experience diarrhea, such as giving ORS from household kitchen ingredients, namely a mixture of salt and sugar as initial management for toddlers suffering from diarrhea</em></p>Afrilia Rahma ritonga Br ritongaFitri ApriyantiJoria Parmin
Copyright (c) 2024 Evidence Midwifery Journal
<table width="667"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="327"> <p><em>Juvenile anemia is where the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is less than normal, namely <12g/dL, anemia occurs when the body does not have enough erythrocytes, this causes the body to produce too few erythrocytes and the use of erythrocytes increases. Factors that can cause the high incidence of anemia in adolescent girls are, lack of intake of iron and other nutrients, for example vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B12. The aim is to determine the relationship between attitudes and consumption of Fe tablets with anemia in adolescent girls in SMP N 6 Tapung. This type of research uses quantitative, analytical research with a cross sectional design. The population in this study was all 100 young women in classes 1 and 2 of SMP Negeri 6 Tapung. The sample in this study used a total sampling technique, namely 100 young women in classes 1 and 2 of SMP Negeri 6 Tapung. The analysis in this study was univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of this study found a relationship between attitudes and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls with a p value = 0.002, and there was a relationship between consumption of Fe tablets and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls with a p value = 0.001. It is recommended to schools that the results of this research can be used as material for consideration in taking early action in disseminating information to teenage female students, regarding the importance of health in order to improve the quality and integrity of female students in carrying out their education.</em></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="327"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Sari NaldarozaDewi Anggriani HarahapSyukrianti Syahda
Copyright (c) 2024 Evidence Midwifery Journal
2024-07-312024-07-313371510.31004/emj.v3i3.26967Hubungan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah dengan Kejadian Asfiksia Neonatorum Di RSUD Bangkinang Kabupaten Kampar
<p><em>Neonatal asphyxia is the failure of a baby to breathe regularly and spontaneously in the first and fifth minutes after the baby is born. Factors that cause neonatal asphyxia include antepartum, intrapartum and fetal factors. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between low birth weight and the incidence of asphyxia at Bangkinang District Hospital in 2021-2022. This type of research is analytical observational using a Case Control research design. The population in this study is all data on newborns for 2021-2022 as many as 858 babies and the sample population is 89 cases and the control population is 769. The sample in this study uses a 1:1 ratio, that is, after conducting research the sample obtained is 60 with the case sample (babies who experienced asphyxia) and 60 with control samples (babies who did not experience asphyxia). The data collection tool in this research used a checklist sheet. Data analysis in this study used univariate and bivariate analysis. It is known that of the 60 groups of cases (babies who experienced asphyxia) at the Bangkinang District Hospital in 2021-2022, there were 46 babies (77%) born with LBW, of the 60 babies born there were 14 babies born without LBW, and there were 60 babies (100%) who experienced asphyxia, and 60 mothers (100%) of the babies were born without asphyxia. The research results showed that there was a relationship between birth weight and the incidence of asphyxia with a p value (0.003). It is hoped that health services, especially those at the Bangkinang District Hospital, can strive to provide information to village midwives about what Asphyxia is and what factors can cause babies born to experience Asphyxia</em></p>Dewi Rahna AnisaDewi Anggriani HarahapErlinawati Erlinawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Evidence Midwifery Journal
<p><em>Anemia often occurs in society, especially teenagers, anemia in teenage girls is still quite high, according to WHO, the prevalence of anemia in teenage girls is 30%, while the incidence of anemia in teenage girls in Indonesia aged 15-24 years is 32.0%. The prevalence of anemia in Riau among adolescents aged 15-24 years is 25.1%. The aim of the research is to find out how knowledge about the definition, symptoms, impact and prevention of anemia in young women at SMA Negeri Perhentian Raja is described. This research is a descriptive research. The research was conducted on 20-22 September 2023 with a sample size of 298 young women at SMA Negeri 1 Perhentian Raja using the Total Sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire sheet with univariate data analysis of frequency distribution. The research results showed that 180 (60.4%) people were in the good category understanding the definition of anemia, 167 (56%) were in the good category regarding understanding the symptoms of anemia, 158 (53%) people were in the poor category regarding understanding the impact of anemia, 152 (51%) were in the poor category regarding understanding of anemia prevention, 161 (54%) were in the poor category regarding Fe tablets and 162 (54.4%) were in the poor category regarding anemia knowledge. It is hoped that respondents will increase their knowledge about the definition, symptoms, impacts and ways to prevent anemia by reading or listening to information from trusted sources or following counseling.</em></p>del arifka putriDewi Anggriani HarahapSyukrianti Syahda
Copyright (c) 2024 Evidence Midwifery Journal
2024-07-312024-07-3133162410.31004/emj.v3i3.28287Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Gizi Dan Ketahanan Pangan Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita Di Desa Tanjung Harapan Wilayah Kerja Upt Puskesmas Lipat Kain Tahun 2023
Lara kartikaDumasari LubisJoria Parmin
Copyright (c) 2024 Evidence Midwifery Journal
2024-07-312024-07-3133334110.31004/emj.v3i3.28313Hubungan Sarapan Pagi Dengan Kejadian Anemia Di SMP Negri 3 Perhentian Raja Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2023
<p><em>Teenagers need nutrients that function as a source of energy and play a role in body metabolism, including the formation of hemoglobin. Nutrient intake will be reduced by 30% if someone skips breakfast and this directly reduces hemoglobin production, causing anemia. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between breakfast and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls at SMP Negeri 3 Perhentian Raja, Kampar Regency in 2023. This type of research is quantitative, analytical in nature with a cross sectional design. The population in this study was the total number of young women at SMP Negeri 3 Perhentian Raja, namely 112 young women. The sample in this study used total sampling, where the number of samples is the same as the population. The data collection tools in this research are questionnaires and digital HB. Then the data was analyzed Univariately and Bivariately using the Chi-Square test. The research results showed that there was a relationship between breakfast and the incidence of anemia with a p value of (0.002). The conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between breakfast and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls at SMP Negeri 3 Perhentian Raja, Kampar Regency in 2023</em></p>adellasyafiraDewi Anggriani HarahapSyukrianti Syahda
Copyright (c) 2024 Evidence Midwifery Journal
<p>Anemia merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat terbesar didunia terutama di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Untuk menekan angka kejadian anemia, pemerintah melakukan penanggulangan dengan cara pemberian tablet besi. Oleh karena itu ibu hamil dapat patuh dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi sehingga menjamin meningkatnya kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi pada ibu hamil dengan kejadian anemia di Desa Koto Perambahan Wilayah Kerja UPT Puskesmas Kampa Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2023. Jenis penelitian <em>observasional analitik</em> dengan menggunakan desain <em>cross sectional</em>. Populasi yaitu semua ibu hamil di Desa Koto Perambahan sebanyak 111 orang dan sampel sebanyak 86 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan <em>total sampling. </em>Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan analisa data menggunakan uji <em>chi square</em>. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi pada ibu hamil dengan kejadian anemia dengan <em>p value</em> (0,033). Dari penelitian ini sangat diharapkan ibu hamil untuk dapat patuh mengonsumsi tablet besi dan makan makanan yang mengandung zat besi untuk mencegah ibu hamil mengalami terjadinya anemia.</p>Melani LestariFitri ApriyantiDumasari Lubis
Copyright (c) 2024 Evidence Midwifery Journal