Analisis Perbandingan Kuat Tekan Beton Ringan Menggunakan Agregat Halus Dari Beberapa Lokasi Quarry
lightweight concrete, foam agent, compressive strengthAbstract
One of the materials that is widely used in infrastructure development is concrete, because concrete has many advantages. Concrete is a homogeneous mixture of cement, water and aggregate which is made in a certain ratio, with the addition of foam agent the concrete will be light and there is a predetermined strength, lightweight concrete is one thing that needs to be researched and developed because in lightweight concrete there is also something interesting about selecting and mixing the right materials in the making of lightweight concrete.This study was intended to determine the comparison of the compressive strength of lightweight concrete using fine aggregate from Kampar, Rokan Hulu and Pangkalan. This research was conducted at the Integrated Engineering Laboratory, Pahlawan University of Tuanku Tambusai. After doing the research, it was found that the compressive strength of lightweight concrete in Pangkalan has an average compressive strength of 81,626 kg/cm², the value of the compressive strength of lightweight concrete in Kampar has an average compressive strength of 52.421 kg/cm² and the value of the compressive strength of lightweight concrete in Rokan Hulu has a strong compressive strength. compressive average of 50.549 kg/cm². Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the use of fine aggregate from Pangkalan has a better compressive strength than fine aggregate from Kampar and Rokan Hulu.References
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