Jurnal Teknik Industri Terintegrasi (JUTIN) 2024-06-27T09:56:31+00:00 Aris Fiatno [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Teknik Industri Terintegrasi merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai yang menjebatani para peneliti untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian di bidang ilmu teknik dan teknik industri mencakup proses manufaktur, kegagalan dan rekayasa material, perawatan berbasis keandalan, keselamatan kerja, perancangan sistem kerja dan ergonomi, pengendalian dan penjaminan mutu, tata letak fasilitas, penelitian operasional, kewirausahaan dan pengembangan bisnis</p> Analisis Faktor Penyebab Keterlambatan Pelaksanaan Proyek Konstruksi pada CV. X Menggunakan Metode FTA 2024-05-18T02:17:49+00:00 Dwi Meilana Putra [email protected] Masca Indra Triana [email protected] <p><em>Delays that are not handled immediately can affect the quality of a company's performance. This research was conducted on a construction project undertaken by CV. X. Where 4 construction projects undertaken by CV. X as of January 2024 experienced delays in completion. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the factors that cause delays in the project by using the FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) method which aims to find fault trees from various errors that will result in the occurrence of unwanted events. Data collection is done by survey using a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire were then analyzed using the FTA Method and then determining the combination of these factors with a minimum cut set. Based on the results of the analysis using the FTA Method, there are 6 aspects that are factors causing delays, namely aspects of labor; material / equipment aspects; project implementation management aspects; contract aspects; aspects of work documents; aspects of natural conditions and force majors. With the largest probability value, namely the contract aspect of 0.21; project implementation management aspect of 0.18; material / equipment aspect of 0.15; aspects of natural conditions and force majors of 0.12; aspects of work documents of 0.09; aspects of labor of 0.08.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Meilana Putra, Masca Indra Triana Usulan Perancangan Tata Letak Fasilitas pada Pembuatan Kulit Kebab Tortila Guna Meminimalisir Jarak Material Handling dan Meningkatkan Output Produksi (Studi Kasus: PT Tamma Robah Indonesia) 2024-05-29T04:34:42+00:00 May Irvan Aji Prasetya [email protected] Putu Eka Dewi Karunia Wati [email protected] <p><em>PT Tamma Robah Indonesia is a company operating in the manufacturing industry which produces kebab tortilla shells, the types of products produced by PT Tamma Robah Indonesia are TB (Large Tortilla), TS (Medium Tortilla), TM (Mini Tortilla), TC (Tortilla Catering). This research method uses the line balancing method which aims to obtain a smooth production flow in order to obtain high utility for facilities, labor and working time as well as simulating the production flow process, distance and increasing production output using flaxim software development to maximize the implementation of relayout. . Based on the results of the analysis of the research objectives carried out, it can be concluded that the line balancing calculation of the 4 products produced by PT Tamma Robah Indonesia selected the lowest Tortila Catering process distance with a cycle time of 130 seconds. /pcs, with 3 work stations, efficiency and delay 23%. and there are several proposed layouts that can minimize material handling distances.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 May Irvan Aji Prasetya, Putu Eka Dewi Karunia Wati Strategies to Improve Competitiveness at Nusantara 1 and 2 Passenger Terminals through Enhanced Service Facilities 2024-05-28T10:35:33+00:00 Every R Putrita Ginting [email protected] Andi Intan Rachmadani [email protected] Syahrul Maulana [email protected] Syafiq Riandika [email protected] Maruf Maruf [email protected] <p>Tanjung Priok Port is one of Indonesia's largest and busiest ports, playing a vital role in goods trade and passenger transportation. This research focuses on enhancing the infrastructure at the Nusantara 1 and 2 passenger terminals to increase the port's competitiveness and value, particularly in the passenger terminal area. Using GAP Analysis, literature review, interviews, observations, and documentation, the study aims to provide solutions for improving and expanding passenger terminal facilities to enhance passenger service and value. The findings indicate that optimal maintenance of port infrastructure significantly enhances the port's value and passenger comfort. Observations reveal a yearly increase in passengers at the PURA 1 &amp; 2 terminals, reaching 353,005 passengers in 2022. The temporary waiting room accommodates 1,600 passengers, while the general waiting room holds 3,666 passengers. Despite the good maintenance of these facilities, further improvements are necessary to meet the growing demands.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Every Putri Ginting Perencanaan Proyek Pemasangan Jalur Pipa Angin dan Kompresor pada beberapa Mesin Produksi di PT X 2024-05-28T04:39:12+00:00 Attar Ibrahim [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p><em>A contractor is a party hired to complete a job. CV. Andhika Kencana is a contractor who has received wind pipe installation projects ranging from compressor machines to production machines. PT Compressor pipe installation is used to run automotion machines in the production area. Pressurized air is produced from the compressor which will later be connected to pipes until it reaches the automotion machines. The problem here is how to schedule pipe installation so that it is on time and in accordance with the budget that has been determined at the beginning. The methods used in this research are the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). The results obtained are that the critical path in this project is activities A, B, D, F, H, I, K, M, N, O, and the probability that the wind pipe installation project can be completed in 60 days is 27.09%.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Attar Ibrahim, Hery Murnawan Manajemen Proyek Pengerjaan Pipa Air pada PT. X Menggunakan Metode CPM dan PERT 2024-05-26T15:20:56+00:00 Fauzi Irfan Wiranda [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p><em>A project is a temporary activity that has a beginning and end specified in time and scope. To support the success of a project, project management needs to be carried out. In general, a project is held by a contractor. contractors who have the obligation to carry out work according to the plan, schedule the activities to be carried out, provide supporting tools for project implementation. One company operating in this field is CV. Andhika Kencana. Now CV. Andhika Kencana is carrying out work on several projects, one of which is the water pipe installation project at PT. X. This research aims to guarantee the water pipe installation project at PT. X is right in terms of cost, quality and time. This research uses 2 methods to analyze project work schedules, namely the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Project Evaluation And Review Technique (PERT). The results of this research show that the critical path on this project is A-B-C-D-G-H-K-L-M-N-O with different completion times. Using the CPM method, the project can be completed in a total of 65 working days, which is 1.15% faster than the normal time. Meanwhile, using the PERT method, the project can be completed in a total of 66.2 working days with a chance of 70.88%, which is 1.13% faster than the normal time. </em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzi Irfan Wiranda, Hery Murnawan Optimasi Rute Distribusi Biskuit Ubm Menggunakan Metode Saving Matrix untuk Meminimasi Biaya Distribusi pada PT. SJA 2024-05-24T22:49:33+00:00 Edwin Adi Utomo [email protected] Putu Eka Dewi Karunia Wati [email protected] <p><em>P</em>T. SJA is a food distributor company located at Jalan Kalianget No.50-52 Surabaya. The main distribution product is UBM biscuits located at Waru, Sidoarjo. The operational costs used in carrying out distribution using the initial route are IDR 25,008,650 for delivery every day. Based on the large costs, a complicated route plan will occur in order to find the minimum costs possible. In optimizing the distribution routes above in order to minimize shipping costs to PT. SJA, a saving matrix method is used. This method can determine product distribution routes to all product marketing areas by determining the route chosen and the capacity of the vehicle used so that the closest route and lowest transportation costs are obtained. Based on the results of the analysis of the research objectives carried out, it can be concluded that the proposed route obtained from processing using the saving matrix method produces differences in terms of costs and transport capacity in March 2024, the company before using this method required shipping costs of IDR 25,008,650 and after using the saving matrix method the company can save costs by 22.34%, namely Rp. 19,421,100</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Edwin Adi Utomo, Putu Eka Dewi Karunia Wati Redesain Bioreaktor Guna Mempercepat Proses Fermentasi Pembuatan Pupuk Organik di Desa Minggirsari Kecamatan Kanigoro Kabupaten Blitar 2024-05-24T04:15:22+00:00 Novi Ariyan Pratama [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p>Alongside the increasing potential of the agriculture and plantation sectors in Minggirsari Village, Blitar Regency, there have been concerns among farmers regarding the decreasing supply of both subsidized and non-subsidized chemical fertilizers. However, these concerns were validated with the invention of an automatic anaerobic bioreactor by Nawang Sonia in 2023. The device is capable of reducing the fermentation process time from the initial 14-21 days to just 3-5 days. Although the designed device still had some functional limitations hindering its performance, a redesign was deemed necessary. The redesign was conducted using the Quality Function Deployment method through the distribution of questionnaires or Voice of Customer. Subsequently, a House of Quality was obtained, which served as the basic concept for the device's redesign. From this research, eight features were added to the device. The results showed that the device was more optimal, flexible, and effective than the previous anaerobic bioreactor design.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Novi Ariyan Pratama, Hery Murnawan Analisis Percepatan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan pada Pembangunan Gedung Laboratorium Medis Poltekkes Surabaya Menggunakan Metode Crashing 2024-05-19T05:10:37+00:00 Ari Rahma Pratiwi [email protected] Gede Sarya [email protected] <p>This research investigates problems in projects that have been carried out by CV. MKE, such as late work occurring in the eighth week of progress. Where in the eighth week there was a deviation of -2.618%. So an analysis of the acceleration of work is needed. In this research, the analysis was carried out using the Crashing method by adding working hours (overtime) with the help of Microsoft Project 2016 software to find the critical path. After getting the critical path results, an analysis of time and costs will then be carried out. Based on the results of the analysis of time and cost calculations using the Crashing method, it shows that with the additional working hours, the project duration can be reduced by 11 days from the normal duration of 140 days, so that the total work duration becomes 129 days and achieves an efficiency of 7.857%. Then there was a change in the total project cost of Rp. 11,547,870,543.73 from the normal fee of Rp. 11,575,779,000.00 with a cost difference of Rp. 27,908,456.27 and get an efficiency of 0.241%.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ari Rahma Pratiwi, Gede Sarya Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja pada Proyek Pembangunan Perumahan Opra City Gresik Jawa Timur 2024-05-18T12:34:06+00:00 Jordan Setyo Bagaskara [email protected] Masca Indra Triana [email protected] <p>Labor productivity is one of the main elements in determining the success of a construction project. The purpose of this research was to find out what factors influence labor productivity. This research was conducted at the Opra City Gresik Housing Development Project. The method used to find the relationship between productivity and factors that influence productivity is the Productivity Rating method, multiple linear regression analysis method, t test, F test (Anova) and coefficient of determination using statistical software, namely SPSS version 23. There are other analysis methods that are used. used are the validity test, reliability test and normality test used in testing the questionnaire. The level of worker productivity is 81.80%. This can be said to be quite satisfactory, because the Worker Utility Factor is more than 50%. There are seven factors that are most dominant in influencing productivity, namely uncertain weather, lack of material availability, damaged equipment, education level, age, worker motivation and quality of supervision.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jordan Setyo Bagaskara, Masca Indra Triana Penentuan Jumlah Persediaan Sparepart Berdasarkan Waktu Maintennance Headtruck Giga di PT. Bima Site Berlian 2024-05-29T08:47:10+00:00 Febri Hari Setiawan [email protected] Putu Eka Dewi Karunia Wati [email protected] <p>PT. Berkah Industri Mesin Angkat (PT.BIMA) is a company engaged in the maintenance and supply of port equipment. In the service process there are five types of transport aircraft at PT BIMA. Loading and unloading equipment operates continuously, causing a decrease in the level of equipment reliability and causing frequent breakdowns and high downtime on the machines, especially the Headtruck equipment. To minimize breakdowns and downtime, it is necessary to have a good maintenance scheduling system to prevent machine damage. Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) is one of the company's provisions as a reference for determining an effective maintenance schedule. Therefore, appropriate corrective action is needed to ensure the number of spare parts available so that equipment downtime is not too long which results in decreased/unstable levels of availability and reliability.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Febri Hari Setiawan, Putu Eka Dewi Karunia Wati Upaya Peningkatan Pembuatan Sofa dengan Memperhatikan Value Added dan Value Engineering 2024-05-16T02:52:35+00:00 Windy Arika [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p>There is waste in the production process due to losses such as the raw materials for making sofas being much greater than customer demand, sometimes workers or employees make mistakes in the process of making and repairing sofas which results in low customer satisfaction with the quality of sofa products, and price submissions that make customers doubt the offer. the price, then the owner of the UMKM sofa offers the customer to service the sofa to another UMKM sofa to compare the price whether it is lower or higher. The application of value addition and engineering plans can be in the form of improving the production process, using more efficient raw materials, performing sofa models, and efficient production process times. As a result of the application of value added and value engineering that has been carried out, the results of the budget plan are IDR.6,546,000 for the initial sofa product, the 1 design sofa product results in a budget plan of&nbsp; IDR.6,521,000, the 2 design sofa product results in the budget plan the cost</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Windy Arika, Hery Murnawan Karakteristik Penggunaan Limbah Serbuk Kaca pada Campuran Aspal Laston (AC-BC) Terhadap Parameter Marshall 2024-05-16T02:58:14+00:00 Ilham Maulana Syafi [email protected] Nurani Hartatik [email protected] Aditya Rizkiardi [email protected] <p>The increasing volume of transportation users annually has had an unstable impact on the quality of infrastructure construction, particularly on asphalt roads. Therefore, there is a need for monitoring to effectively and efficiently address damages to asphalt roads. One method of maintenance or repair for asphalt pavement that exceeds the planned lifespan in the Asphalt Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC) layer is through the diversion of common filler materials using the Marshall method. The researcher aims to explore the substitution of common filler materials, one of which involves utilizing waste glass powder to enhance layer stability. The waste glass powder material utilized is sourced from the production remnants of CV Sari Jaya Aluminum, located in Mojokerto. The research aims to investigate the impact of waste glass powder on Marshall parameters AC-BC Laston layer. The optimal and most efficient outcome obtained from the use of waste glass powder filler influence is a filler variation level of 2.5% with a planned asphalt content of 6.0%. All the obtained Marshall characteristic parameter results have met the requirements of the General Specification of Bina Marga (revision 2) Year 2018.</p> <p> </p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilham Maulana Syafi, Nurani Hartatik, Aditya Rizkiardi Pengukuran Efisiensi Proses Produksi Castable Guna Mengidentifikasi Wasting Time di PT Benteng Api Technic 2024-06-14T09:37:41+00:00 Etika Devi Novitasari [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p><em>PT Benteng Api Technic was founded in 1997 and produces refractory bricks, refractory cement and various refractory materials. Refractory cement or castable currently still uses a pre-order system before the production process is carried out. During observations for seven days with 38 observations, there were activities that were felt to be less efficient, then the value stream mapping method was carried out to streamline waste. The result is a defect when the production process is finished, there is a repetition of the production process because it does not pass the feasibility test, processing because a lot of leftover material falls in the bagging section and the material is no longer used. Waiting is the average part of weighing materials/products of 1.54 seconds (waiting for the material composition recipe and weighing platform trouble/error). Material mixing section with an average/product of 1.82 seconds (waiting for machine repairs due to leaking air duct). Total production lead time is 3396 seconds. Once the waste is identified, the next step is to eliminate the activity by testing data adequacy and testing data uniformity. The results of the analysis of the castable production process contained 2 analyses, the first analysis by reducing activity time with an average total time of 3285 seconds/44 cement and the second analysis by reducing and eliminating the cement weighing activity in the bagging section with a total time of 2873 seconds/44 cement</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Etika Devi Novitasari, Hery Murnawan Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengaduk Pakan Ternak Bebek Melalui Pendekatan Antropometri Guna Mengurangi Waktu Proses Pengadukan di UD. Hadhita Jaya Makmur 2024-05-12T01:06:31+00:00 Dylan Dias Permana [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p>UD. Hadhita Jaya Makmur was established in 1993 and located on Jalan S. Parman, Modopuro Village Rt.03, Rw.07, Mojosari District, Mojokerto Regency. The founder of this company is Mr. Drs.Munasrib, who is known in poultry farming activists, especially ducks. UD. Hadhita Jaya Makmur has ducks with a population of 3000 laying ducks, ducks at UD Hadhita Jaya Makmur produce about 2100 eggs every 2 days in December. UD. Hadhita Jaya Makmur strives to improve the quality of duck eggs by setting a target of feeding ducks as much as 500 kg every day for a population of 3000 ducks that are ready to lay eggs. Nevertheless, the use of manual methods in mixing duck animal feed ingredients has some negative impacts. The process of stirring duck animal feed takes quite a long time, which can reach 40 minute so that workers at UD. Hadhita Jaya Makmur experienced fatigue. One idea to be able to solve the problem is to design an animal feed mixer machine to provide significant results, providing results in accelerating the time of the 500kg per day animal feed stirring process which was originally at UD. Hadhita Jaya Makmur stirred animal feed ingredients in the process still using manual methods with a processing time duration of 43 minutes. After the design of the animal feed mixer machine, the process time of stirring animal feed ingredients to 15 minutes, the magnitude of the reduction in process time also affected the worker productivity index which was originally 19,3% to 55.5%.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dylan Dias Permana, Hery Murnawan Analisis Kelayakan Investasi Usaha Peternakan Ayam Guna Memenuhi Kebutuhan Telur di UD. Hadhita Jaya Makmur 2024-05-12T01:05:35+00:00 Putra Mahendra Afied [email protected] Herry Murnawan [email protected] <p>Feasibility Analysis of Investing in a Chicken Farming Business to Meet the Need for Eggs which aims to determine the feasibility of a business. In an analysis of the feasibility of establishing a business, it can be carried out through several aspects, namely a monetary perspective, a special perspective, a market perspective using several methods, namely Draft Budget (RAB), Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Ratio (NET B/C ) Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP) and). This analysis produces data that shows the RAB of the feasibility of UD's business investment. Hadhita Jaya Makmur amounting to Rp. 1,470,669,000, with an NPV of Rp. 347,561,231 IRR is 43%, then the business PP is for 2 years, and the NET B/C is 3. According to the existing analysis regarding feasibility here it can be concluded that investment in the UD.Hadita Jaya Makmur business has met the feasibility of business investment, because has a positive NPV value, higher IRR on funding costs, relatively short PP, and larger NET B/C and is financially profitable for this business.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putra Mahendra Afied, Herry Murnawan Rancang Bangun Mesin Penggiling Sambel Pecel dengan Penerapan Antropometri Guna Meningkatkan Efisiensi dan Kepuasan Pengguna (Studi Kasus: UMKM Warung Pecel dan Rujak 46) 2024-05-11T12:43:46+00:00 Riski Krishartanto riskikrishartato123@gmail Jaka Purnama [email protected] <p><em>The sambel pecel grinding machine is a machine used to smooth the ingredients of sambel pecel. The ingredients for making sambel pecel consist of fried peanuts, brown sugar, red chili, garlic, lime leaves, and other ingredients. All these ingredients will be ground to make sambel pecel. UMKM pecel and rujak coffee shop 58 in the process of grinding sambel pecel still requires services from other places, so that condition causes the production process to be less efficient. The purpose of this research is to make a sambel pecel grinding machine part of the transmission system.</em><em>The results of the design of the resource and transmission parts of the sambel pecel grinding machine are: the resource used is an AC electric motor with a power of 0.268 Hp and a rotation speed of 2900 rpm, the transmission used is a pulley and a type A V-belt to drive the grinder, the diameter of the drive pulley used is 65 m, the driven pulley is 130 mm, the length of the V-belt circumference is 711 mm, number of belts required 1 piece, and uses a WPA 40 gearbox with a ratio of 1: 20.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Riski Krishartanto, Jaka Purnama Rancang Bangun Alat Angkut Bahan Baku Guna Meningkatkan Efektivitas Material Handling dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi 2024-05-11T11:11:18+00:00 Moh Arief Andri Hartono [email protected] Jaka Purnama [email protected] <p>PT Candi Jaya Amerta is a company engaged in the food sector and produces various types of traditional crackers, such as shrimp crackers, fish crackers, and other variations. The process of manually transporting flour raw materials at PT CJA takes a long time so that it can reduce the effectiveness of material handling. In this study, the design of an ergonomic raw material transport tool was carried out with the aim of reducing the level of fatigue in workers and speeding up the process of moving raw materials. the method used is the anthropometric method. the results of collecting anhtropometric data on workers are used to design the tool. the cardiovascular load method is used to measure the level of fatigue of workers based on the pulse rate of workers. the dimensions of the tool have a height of 114cm, width of 80cm, length of 125cm, and tool reach of 88cm. the percentage of worker fatigue is known with % CVL before using the tool design. worker 1 = 72.5%, worker 2 = 61.22% then there is a decrease in fatigue levels after using the tool design to %CVL worker 1 = 43%, worker 2 = 26%.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Arief Andri Hartono, Jaka Purnama Usulan Perancangan Tata Letak Gudang dengan Menggunakan Metode Class Based Storage 2024-05-11T01:09:06+00:00 Nicky Fenky Aryansah [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p>CV. Bandung Central Arteri Samudra is a manufacturing industry engaged in the distribution of fishing equipment located on Jalan Kembang Jepun no. 194 – 196, ex. Nyamplungan subdistrict of Pabean Cantikan Surabaya. This research examines the warehouse layout using the "<em>class based storage</em>" method in warehouses at CV. Bandung Central Arteri Samudra. This method aims to increase the efficiency of storing and retrieving goods in the warehouse by grouping goods based on certain classes or characteristics. This study involves data analysis, layout planning, and implementation of "<em>class based storage</em>" methods in the company's warehouse operations. The research results show that this method can optimize the use of warehouse space and reduce the time required to access goods. Additionally, improvements in productivity and operational efficiency were also seen. The practical implication of this research is that the use of the "<em>class based storage</em>" method can provide significant benefits in warehouse management at CV. Bandung Central Arteri Samudra</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nicky Fenky Aryansah, Hery Murnawan Analisa Rantai Pasok (Supply Chain) Bahan Baku pada Industri Kuliner Bebek dan Ayam Goreng (Studi Kasus : Depot Bebek dan Ayam Goreng Pak Qomar) 2024-05-31T02:56:53+00:00 Abdul Hamid Zaidi [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p><em>The aim of the research is to determine the flow of the duck supply chain which includes product flow, financial flow and information flow from duck breeders to the restaurant "Pak Qomar Duck and Fried Chicken Depot", to find out whether or not the supply chain is efficient and effective. happens from the breeder to the restaurant, and to find out the added value of the breeder, supplier, and the "Bebek Pak Qomar" restaurant. The results of this research are that there are 2 links that play an active role in the duck meat supply chain to the final consumer: (a) duck breeders and (b) duck suppliers. There are only two types of product flow in the duck meat supply chain at the "Bebek Pak Qomar" restaurant, namely the product flow in the form of live ducks originating from the farmer to supplier 2/3 and from supplier 2/3 to supplier 1, and to "Bebek Pak Qomar" restaurant for processing. The flow of information in the duck meat supply chain at the "Bebek Pak Qomar" restaurant is divided into two types of flow, namely the horizontal flow of information that occurs between fellow duck breeders and suppliers and suppliers and restaurant managers and the vertical flow of information that occurs at each eye. chain involved in the duck meat supply chain at the "Pak Qomar" restaurant. Financial flows in the duck meat supply chain at the "Bebek Pak Qomar" restaurant occur in 1 type of flow with the payment transaction system used during the distribution process greatly influencing the performance of each link in the chain. Measuring the amount of added value obtained using the added value calculation method xi and using BEP (Break Even Point) at the duck farmer level. The conclusion obtained from this research is the supply chain flow which includes the flow of products containing live ducks which are sent by breeders to suppliers and then to retail traders to be processed into processed duck meat at the "Bebek Pak Qomar" restaurant and served to final consumer</em>.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Hamid Zaidi Zaidi, Hery Murnawan Optimasi Biaya dan Waktu Dengan Metode TCTO pada Pembangunan Casting Mechanical & Civil Work For Oil Storage And Steady Room Workshop Gresik 2024-06-01T08:36:03+00:00 Alia Maharani Endriastuti [email protected] Masca Indra Triana [email protected] <p>In planning a project in addition to time and resource variables, cost variables (<em>costs</em>) have a very important role. This research was conducted on the construction of <em>Casting Mechanical &amp;; Civil Work For Oil Storage And Steady Room Workshop</em> Gresik. The purpose of this study is to obtain more efficient optimal cost and time using the Time Cost Trade<em> Off </em>(TCTO) method. This research is carried out by means of compression or emphasis on activities that are on a critical task. From the results of the analysis with the alternative of crashing the addition of working hours (overtime), it was found that the duration of the crashing results for 1 hour of overtime was 175 days, 2 hours of overtime 173 days, and 3 hours of overtime 172 days. As for the crash cost, 1 hour of overtime is Rp. 3,123,406,448 while 2 hours is Rp. 3,119,117,964 and 3 hours of overtime is Rp. 3,117,248,350. Of the three durations, it produces an optimal time of 172 working days with a time efficiency of 3.37% and an optimal cost of Rp. 3,117,248,350 with a cost efficiency of 0.42% with an overtime duration of 3 hours.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alia Maharani Endriastuti, Masca Indra Triana Analisis Waktu Operasional Mesin Screw Press untuk Mencegah Terjadinya Kerusakan Serentak di Pabrik Minyak Kelapa Sawit 2024-06-07T07:45:50+00:00 Aprizal Aprizal [email protected] <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu rancangan strategi pemeliharaan di Pabrik Minyak Kelapa Sawit. Metode yang digunakan adalah melakukan analisis data kerusakan mesin kritis dan komponennya, sehingga dapat menentukan nilai-nilai karakteristik sistem pemeliharaan, yaitu; keandalan, laju kegagalan,<em> MTBF</em>, ketersediaan, kriteria kerusakan, biaya kegagalan, biaya preventif, dan waktu antar penggantian koponen. Dari hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa mesin-mesin yang kritis adalah <em>Screw Press</em>, beserta komponen kritisnya, yaitu:<em> Left &amp; Right Handed Worm,</em> <em>Bushing, Press Cylinder, Rebuild Worm, Bearing SKF 29326, Left Handed Shaft, and</em> <em>Right Handed Shaft.</em> Berdasarkan analisis kerusakan tersebut selanjutnya dibuat rancangan Strategi Pemeliharaan, sehingga dapat menurunkan frekuensi kegagalan<em> Screw Press</em>, menurunkan kerugian produksi, dan meningkatkan keandalan, ketersediaan, dan MTBF. Strategi pemeliharaan didisain berdasarkan interval waktu penggantian komponen, kemudian dibuat modifikasi penjadwalan pemeliharaan optimum. &nbsp;Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa analisis kerusakan mesin sangat berguna untuk mengambil kebijakan dalam perencanaan strategi pemeliharaan pada suatu pabrik.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aprizal Aprizal Optimasi Durasi Proyek dengan Penambahan Tenaga Kerja dan Jam Kerja Metode What If pada Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Soetandyo Universitas Airlangga 2024-06-10T08:32:50+00:00 Arifa Mardiah [email protected] Hanie Teki Tjendani [email protected] <p><em>Project delay is one of the impacts of decreased performance, and this can result in schedule setbacks and other forms of losses that will be experienced by service providers and service users. The purpose of this research is to find the optimum duration in accelerating the duration for delays of 10%-40%. In the Airlangga University Soetandyo Building Construction Project, there was a deviation in field realization progress of -9.210% and the cause of the initial delay was deep foundation work. What if is one method or strategy that can help project delay management by adding workers and increasing working hours on jobs in the critical path that are experiencing delays. As for the 10% delay, 78 additional workers and 19 additional working hours were obtained, for the 20% delay, 223 additional workers and 25 additional working hours were obtained, and for the 30% delay, 205 additional workers and 39 additional working hours were obtained</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arifa Mardiah, Hanie Teki Tjendani Pengaruh Penambahan Variasi Abu Tempurung Kelapa Terhadap Karakteristik Mortar 2024-06-10T08:38:21+00:00 Gita Mauludiyana [email protected] Retno Trimurtiningrum [email protected] Bantot Sutriono [email protected] Nurul Rochmah [email protected] <p>Awareness of the importance of sustainable construction practices and research to explore alternative materials or waste that can be recovered to reduce material use and waste. This was done to evaluate coconut shell ash waste as a partial additive to cement in mortar mixtures. The research carried out aimed to determine the results of the influence of coconut shell ash waste on the absorption value to obtain overall analysis results on mortar mixtures using coconut shell ash additives with variations of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%. The results obtained on the effect of adding coconut shell ash on the water absorption value show that a mixture of coconut shell ash can make mortar lose water more easily when compared to normal mortar, namely with the highest water absorption value of 9.307% in a mixture of 10% coconut shell ash. </p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gita Mauludiyana, Retno Trimurtiningrum, Bantot Sutriono, Nurul Rochmah Pengaruh Campuran Kawat Bendrat pada Karakteristik Beton dengan Subtitusi Fly Ash pada Nilai Slump 2024-06-10T08:35:53+00:00 Edy Winarko [email protected] Retno Trimurtiningrum [email protected] Bantot Sutriono [email protected] Nurul Rochmah [email protected] <p><em>The increasing use of concrete in the construction world encourages massive exploitation of the environment that has limestone or karst reserves to be used as the main raw material for making cement, to reduce the excessive use of cement, a way is used to utilize fly ash as a substitute for part of the cement in the concrete mixture to reduce the negative impact of limestone mining activities as well as cement production which contributes a total of 9% of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions on earth. In this study, bendrat wire will also be added to determine the workability of fresh concrete mixes. From the results of the study it was found that concrete with fly ash substitution without bendingt wire mixture got an average height of 10.7 cm, while the variation with the addition of bending wire at 3% decreased in the average slump value to 10 cm where the increasing percentage of bending wire made the average slump value go down, seen in the 6% and 9% variations which experienced a decrease in the average height of the slump with a height of 9.7 cm and 9 cm, this can have an impact on the workability of the concrete mix itself, with a higher percentage of bending wire will have difficulty when applying to building construction. </em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Edy Winarko, Retno Trimurtiningrum, Bantot Sutriono, Nurul Rochmah Pengaruh Penambahan Presentase Serbuk Kaca pada Karakteristik Beton Terhadap Nilai Slump 2024-06-10T08:48:59+00:00 Deska Vira Fadilla [email protected] Retno Trimurtiningrum [email protected] Bantot Sutriono [email protected] Nurul Rochmah [email protected] <p>Concrete is the most commonly used construction material in the construction industry. Concrete has properties that are resistant to high pressure and extreme temperatures which allows wide use and according to needs. In this research, additional materials were used from glass waste which was processed into glass powder that passed through sieve No. 200. To find out additional characteristics, one of them is to know the effect of the slump value which is planned in accordance with SNI 03 – 2834 – 2000. This research uses the DOE (Department of Environment) method. The results of this research show that the average slump value of concrete aged 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days using glass powder percentages of 0%, 4.5%, 6.5% , 8.5%, and 10.5% are 12 cm, 12 cm, 10.33 cm, 9.83 cm, and 9.33 cm.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Deska Vira Fadilla, Retno Trimurtiningrum, Bantot Sutriono, Nurul Rochmah Analisis Karakteristik dan Kebutuhan Parkir di Pasar Tradisional Dukun, Kabupaten Gresik Jawa Timur 2024-06-14T08:23:40+00:00 Khoiruddin Khoiruddin [email protected] Nurani Hartatik [email protected] Putri Mawariza [email protected] <p>This research contains parking problems at the Dukun traditional market, Gresik Regency, East Java. From the results of a survey that has been carried out, the on-street parking at the Dukun Traditional Market is unable to accommodate the surge in vehicles visiting the market during peak market hours. The use of on-street parking spaces is not optimal and less regular, resulting in visitors parking their vehicles in random places and creating traffic disruptions. In this research, researchers will use the parking patrol survey method and the parking space inventory survey method to analyze the characteristics, capacity and needs of the Dukun Traditional Market. The aim of this survey is to find out how many parking lots are available in the study area and to calculate the number of parking spaces available at the research location.&nbsp; The research results recorded that the maximum accumulation occurred on Sunday, April 28 2024 with 93 motorbikes and 12 cars, as well as a significant spike at 06.01–07.00 WIB. The maximum motorbike parking volume occurred on Thursday, May 2 2024 with the highest motorbike volume reaching 295 vehicles, and cars reaching 31 vehicles. The longest parking duration for motorbikes is Wednesday, May 1 2024 (267 minutes), and cars are Monday, April 29 2024 (201 minutes). The maximum parking turnover rate occurs on Thursday, May 2 2024 with 4.91 Kend/day/space for motorbikes, and 1.91 Kend/day/space for cars. The maximum parking index for motorbikes and cars is 156%, exceeding 100%, respectively. The current parking space capacity is insufficient, so the Dukun Traditional Market requires additional parking space of 141 m2 for motorbikes and 138 m2 for cars. In conclusion, the current condition of parking spaces exceeds the existing parking capacity.</p> 2014-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khoiruddin Khoiruddin, Nurani Hartatik, Putri Mawariza Analisis Tingkat Risiko pada Proyek Pembangunan Perumahan Grand Eastern Surabaya dengan Metode Severity Index 2024-06-16T10:36:58+00:00 Daniswara Fawwaz Febryan [email protected] Hanie Teki Tjendani [email protected] <p>The Grand Eastern Surabaya housing development project is one of the housing projects owned by East Park Regensi which is the second stage of development of the Eastern Park Residence housing. The study aims to identify risks relevant to the Grand Eastern Surabaya housing construction project. The study used validity tests and reliability tests with the help of IBM SPSS software to determine the suitability of risk variables and to know the consistency of the risk variable in the Grand Eastern Surabaya housing construction project. Using the severity index and the probability impact matrix methods, it was found that there are 2 risks with very low categories, 10 risks in low Categories, 4 risks for medium categories and 6 risks of high categories.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Daniswara Fawwaz Febryan, Hanie Teki Tjendani Analisis Perbandingan Kekauan Serta Efisiensi pada Desain Menggunakan Flat Slab Terhadap Gedung Eksisting SRPM RSUD Sidoarjo 2024-06-18T02:07:42+00:00 M Fahzan Difinubun [email protected] Bantot Sutriono [email protected] 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M Fahzan Difinubun, Bantot Sutriono Public Policy in Managing Palm Oil Industry Environmental Waste: A Qualitative Study in Kampar Regency, Indonesia 2024-06-19T20:51:45+00:00 Nina Veronika [email protected] Aldri Frinaldi [email protected] Rembrandt Rembrandt [email protected] Dasman Lanin [email protected] Genius Umar [email protected] <p>Kampar Regency currently has the largest number of palm oil mills in Riau Province, which has led to an increase in environmental pollution due to the by-products of these industrial activities. The objective of this research is to identify the issues associated with waste management in palm oil mills. The research employs a descriptive-qualitative method to systematically, factually, and accurately represent the data contained in the news text. The results indicated that rubber and oil palm plantations (1.8 and 1.5 hectares) were inundated with waste. It is recommended that palm oil mills implement waste treatment in accordance with quality standards before disposal. Furthermore, the application of the law as the basis for sanctions from this waste must be accompanied by an appeal to the public to monitor the level of environmental pollution. In addition, the role of public policy actors in monitoring and determining legal sanctions for environmental pollution is of great importance.</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nina Veronika, Aldri Frinaldi, Rembrandt, Dasman Lanin, Genius Umar Analisis Perbandingan Perilaku dan Kinerja Struktur Baja Terbreis Eksentris Tipe Split K-Bresing dan Two Story X-Bresing 2024-06-19T12:50:07+00:00 Muh Fauzi Mazaruddin [email protected] Retno Trimurtiningrum [email protected] <p>Pertumbuhan penduduk yang semakin pesat namun luas lahan yang semakin <br>terbatas menjadi tantangan baru dalam zaman modernisasi saat ini. Alternatif yang <br>dapat dilakukan dalam permasalahan ini yaitu dengan pembangunan bangunan <br>bertingkat tinggi (highrise building). Dalam merancang bagunan bertingkat tinggi <br>harus diperhatikan kestabilan struktur. Kestabilan struktur dapat di cek terhadap <br>nilai simpanagn dan efek P-Delta. Kestabilan dapat diatasi dengan memberi <br>pengaku (bresing). SRBE mempu memberikan perilaku daktail dan kekakuan elastik <br>yang tinggi. Penelitian ini menganalisi perbandingan perilaku dan kinerja struktur<br>system eksentris Tow Story-X dan Split-K dengan menggunakan bantuan program <br>SAP 2000. Hasil dari analisi diperoleh masa struktur bresing Tow Story-X 0,058% <br>lebih ringan dari Split-K, untuk nilai simpangan dengan selisih kedua struktur <br>adalah 1,9% dan nilai teta dengan selisih 2,1%</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Fauzi Mazaruddin, Retno Trimurtiningrum Optimasi Setting Mesin Cutting roll Menggunakan Design off Experiment (Studi Kasus: CV. Surya Gemilang) 2024-06-24T11:07:33+00:00 Achmad Farikhin Ramadhani [email protected] Benazir Imam Arif [email protected] Huki Chandra [email protected] <p>The economic growth of the manufacturing sector in Indonesia is increasing rapidly every year. One that contributes to this economic growth is the textile industry. Along with the growth that occurs, textile companies strive to achieve a more effective and efficient production process, namely by reducing defective products or defects from the production carried out. CV. Surya Gemilang is a company that faces similar problems. CV. Surya Gemilang is a company engaged in the manufacturing industry sector, one of whose products is textile products, namely list webbing. list webbing is a superior product from CV. Surya Gemilang which has collaborated with 4 companies with requests for up to 15 rolls per month per company, where each 1 roll contains approximately 60 list webbing. In the production process list webbing still has a defect value produced after a fairly large production process. One of the factors that cause defective products to occur is the machine used, the machine used for the production of list webbing is a cutting roll machine. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct research using the Design of Experiment method using a Full Factorial Design approach with 2 replications. The factors used are roll rotational speed (rpm), feeding speed (rpm), and horizontal moving blade speed (rpm). This study aims to find factors that have a significant effect and find the optimal cutting roll machine settings to reduce the defects produced. From the results of this study, the factors that have a significant effect are the factor of feeding speed, horizontal speed, and the interaction between the factors of rotating speed and feeding speed and the optimal cutting roll machine settings are rotating speed with a level of 50 rpm, feeding speed with a level of 125 rpm and horizontal speed with a level of 50 rpm</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Farikhin Ramadhani, Benazir Imam Arif, Huki Chandra Usulan Perbaikan Kualitas pada Produksi Flanges Pipe dan Rubber Gasket Guna Mengurangi Produk Cacat (Studi Kasus : CV Anugerah Sukses Sejahtera Surabaya) 2024-06-26T02:40:12+00:00 Moch Fhahrul Rodjak [email protected] Siti Muhimatul Khoiroh [email protected] <p><em>CV Anugerah Sukses Sejahtera is a company that operates in the field of manufacturing flanges and rubber gaskets. The company's production process sets a defect tolerance at 5%. In the production flow there is a process failure or defect that occurs in the production process and increases the tolerance amount above a predetermined limit. From the data that has been collected, researchers can identify the types of defect characteristics using the SPC (Statistical Process Control) method and analyze them using fishbone diagrams, as well as provide suggestions for improvements to the company. Based on the Pareto diagram, it was concluded that the highest percentage of defects was in burry defects at 43.2%, the highest rubber attribute defects were in wrinkles at 36.7% and variable flanges defects were in flatness defects at 44.1%. Based on the processing of samples 1-8, it was found that sample proportions exceeded the control limits of the P flange control chart, namely UCL at week 5 and LCL at week 6, while the other proportions were still in the control stage. The dominant cause of this problem is employees' lack of control over the job desk and lack of maintenance on machines. Thus, the proposed improvement given to the company is to carry out On Job Training for new employees, check the rubber raw materials and flanges raw materials, add LED lighting to each machine and carry out regular machine maintenance scheduling</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moch Fhahrul Rodjak, Siti Muhimatul Khoiroh Analisis dan Evaluasi Intensitas Kebisingan Area Kerja pada Produksi Gabion dengan Golden Software Surfer 25 (Studi Kasus : PT. Perusahaan Kawat Baja) 2024-06-27T09:56:31+00:00 Mahardhika Suryo Wibowo Putro [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] Afrigh Fajar Rosyidiin [email protected] <p>Perusahaan Kawat Baja (PT. PKB) is a manufacturing industry producing steel wire ropes, stranded wires, gabions, and other steel wire products. Third-party monitoring in May 2023 found noise intensity exceeding the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) at measurement points, with maximum exposure of 85 dB over an 8-hour workday. This study aims to evaluate noise exposure levels in the gabion production area. Research methods included noise mapping using Golden Software Surfer 25 on a 2 x 2 meter scale, HIRARC (High Risk Assessment and Risk Control) for risk management, and Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) to assess the feasibility of noise control measures. Findings revealed 147 measurement points exceeding 85 dB. PT. PKB implemented noise control through engineering, administrative measures, and Personal Protective Equipment. A B/C Ratio of 3.57 indicated the economic viability of these risk control measures.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahardhika Suryo Wibowo Putro, Hery Murnawan, Afrigh Fajar Rosyidiin Analysis of Landslide Handling With Mini Pile Reinforcement Using Plaxis Software on The “X” Toll Road Project 2024-04-30T03:00:12+00:00 Yonas Prima Arga Rumbyarso [email protected] Gali Pribadi [email protected] <p>The Semarang-Demak Toll Road faces geotechnical problems due to geological conditions that include hilly areas and basins, with bedrock such as claystone, shale, and lignite that are prone to weakening. A landslide occurred at the Semarang-Demak Toll Road site between Sta. 1+250 and Sta. 2+715, despite various methods of embankment work that were not entirely successful, therefore causing damage. The analysis showed a discrepancy between the theoretical factor of safety and the actual landslide condition, requiring slope reinforcement technology such as mini piles that effectively inhibit soil movement. Mini piles, in the form of reinforced concrete with a length of 7 to 10 meters and a spacing of 2 meters between piles, plus the use of geotextiles, analyzed using the Plaxis 2D program showed an increase in the factor of safety. Although there were slight differences between the reinforcement models, the combination of mini piles and geotextiles proved effective, especially when placed in hard soil layers or over soft soil at a depth of 7 meters from the surface, overcoming the embankment loads at the site.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yonas Prima Arga Rumbyarso, Gali Pribadi Pemurnian Minyak Jelantah Menggunakan Adsorben Natural Dari Pelepah Sawit dengan Perbedaan Ukuran Mesh dan Massa 2024-01-26T04:16:33+00:00 Dwi Annisa Fithry [email protected] Bode Haryanto [email protected] Rizki Affandi [email protected] Asrina Hutabarat [email protected] Anggun Febrisma [email protected] <p>Indonesia is the second largest producer of palm oil in the world today after Malaysia. Since 2003, the amount of palm oil production in Indonesia has reached approximately 9.9 million tons per year. According to (BPS 2021), the area of oil palm land in North Sumatra reached 442 072.76 hectares. This research will purify used cooking oil using natural adsorbents by utilizing palm frond waste. Palm fronds are chopped into powder, then sifted with sizes of 50, 70 and 100 mesh after which they are weighed with weights of 1.5, 3 and 4.5 grams. Oil palm frond adsorbents with mass variations of 4.5 grams have the greatest adsorption power in reducing used cooking oil and the best adsorption kinetics based on the correlation coefficient is the pseudo second order equation.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Annisa Fithry , Bode Haryanto, Rizki Affandi, Asrina Hutabarat, Anggun Febrisma Perbedaan Massa dan RPM Terhadap Adsorben Karbon Pelepah Sawit pada Pemurnian Minyak Jelantah 2024-01-26T04:18:01+00:00 Dwi Annisa Fithry [email protected] Bode Haryanto [email protected] Anggun Febrisma [email protected] Astrina Hutabarat [email protected] Rizki Affandi [email protected] <p>The statistics center in 2021 stated that North Sumatra is the second largest palm oil-producing province in Indonesia with a plantation area of 1,373.30 Ha. The use of cooking oil in Indonesia in 2021 was 18.4 million tons and increased by 6% from the previous year. This research utilizes palm fronds for the manufacture of adsorbents in cooking oil refining. The method used is carbonization with the help of pyrolysis. The carbon is chopped into powder and divided by variations of 1.5, 3, and 4.5 grams. Each gram is stirred using a shaker with speed variations of 50, 70, and 100 rpm. Turbidity is tested using a turbidimeter once every 20 minutes for 180 minutes. The results of the analysis showed that the best adsorbent weight in reducing used cooking oil was 4.5 grams with a turbidity level of 15.5 NTU and stirring of 100 rpm.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Annisa Fithry , Bode Haryanto, Anggun Febrisma, Astrina Hutabarat, Rizki Affandi Pengendalian Kualitas Produksi Keripik Pisang pada UMKM Pekopen Menggunakan Peta Kendali NP dan Kapabilitas Proses 2024-03-10T06:36:24+00:00 Handika Setiawan [email protected] Dene Herwanto [email protected] Billy Nugraha [email protected] <p>Pekopen MSMEs produce banana chips that always strive to produce good products, but in fact they still find some products produced are not in accordance with standards. These problems can be solved using nP control maps, Ishikawa diagrams, and process capabilities, as well as calculations using minitab software. By using some of these methods, it is expected to find the factors that cause product defects. There are several variables to assess the defects of banana chip products, including shape, color, and size variables. The results of this study show the factors that cause defects in banana chip products, namely method factors caused by the manual banana chip cutting process, inaccurate selection of raw materials, manual frying process, and manual packaging process. In addition, it was found that the level of specifications and standards for process capabilities was not less than 95% and no more than 3% of the inability of MSMEs to produce banana chips in accordance with specifications and standards.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Handika Setiawan, Dene Herwanto, Billy Nugraha Analisis Beban Kerja Mental Dosen Fakultas XYZ Menggunakan Metode Nasa TLX 2024-02-27T03:22:15+00:00 Grita Supriyanto Dewi [email protected] Cici Finansia [email protected] Alfirna Rizqi Lahitani [email protected] <p>Employee performance is influenced by several things, one of which is work stress. Unresolved stress results in a person's inability to interact positively with their environment. XYZ Faculty is one of the faculties in a private university in the Yogyakarta area. Based on personnel data, the average 2023 BKD for XYZ Faculty lecturers is 18.65. This creates an excessive burden on lecturers. This research aims to measure the mental workload index of XYZ faculty lecturers and develop recommendations for improvement to balance the workload. The method used in this research is the Nasa TLX method. The results of the research show that the workload experienced by lecturers at Faculty so that administrative activities do not interfere with lecturers' tri dharma activities.&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Grita Supriyanto Dewi, Cici Finansia, Alfirna Rizqi Lahitani The Effect of Overconfidence Bias on Investment Decision: Sharia Stock Considerations 2024-05-07T22:11:48+00:00 Wahyu Febri Ramadhan Sudirman [email protected] Nurnasrina Nurnasrina [email protected] Muhammad Syaipudin [email protected] Arif Mudi Priyatno [email protected] <p><em>Investment decisions are a complex process involving risk evaluation, market analysis, and investment return projections. In the decision-making process, investors sometimes show irrational behavior because they have cognitive limitations and previous investment experience so investors are exposed to overconfident behavior. This research used 178 samples consisting of investors who had investment experience of at least 1 year. The research carried out instrument testing and used the common method bias (CMB) testing procedure. The analytical method in the research uses simple linear regression. The results of testing the research hypothesis obtained positive and significant results of overconfidence bias towards irrational investment decisions The moderating role of sharia sharia considerations on the relationship between overconfidence bias and unsupported investment decisions. This research reveals that overconfidence can have a positive influence on irrational investment decision-making. Investors who tend to have excess confidence in their knowledge and skills in analyzing the market tend to make investment decisions that are more impulsive, less rational and sometimes ignore risks significantly. Future research is recommended to further investigate the mechanisms behind the relationship between overconfidence and irrational investment decision-making, as well as involving a wider sample to obtain stronger generalizations.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Febri Ramadhan Sudirman, Nurnasrina Nurnasrina, Muhammad Syaipudin, Arif Mudi Priyatno Pengaruh Jumlah Penumpang dan Durasi Buka Tutup Pintu Terhadap Perubahan Suhu (Studi Kasus: Kereta Inspeksi PPI Madiun) 2024-03-10T07:41:59+00:00 Wasis Desti Cindy Syafitri [email protected] Mariana Diah Puspitasari [email protected] Fathurrozi Winjaya [email protected] <p><em>The inspection train is specialized equipment used for examining railway tracks, transporting personnel, and carrying work equipment. The inspection train must be equipped with operational tools, monitoring equipment, and work comfort equipment. One of the comfort equipment is air circulation control, which should provide comfort to the personnel while working. Factors influencing the air temperature inside the inspection train include the number of passengers and duration of door opening. This research employs the Design of Experiment data processing method, with the data analyzed using a 2-factor factorial design experiment, with the assistance of Minitab software to understand the influence of the number of passengers and the duration of door opening-closing on temperature changes inside the inspection train. The result obtained from Minitab analysis indicate that the number of passengers has a significant influence on temperature changes inside the inspection train, accounting for 5.2% of the variation. On the other hand, the duration of door opening-closing does not have a significant effect on temperature changes. Additionally, the interaction between the number of passengers and the door open-close duration does not have a significant influence on temperature changes inside the PPI Madiun Inspection Train</em>.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wasis Desti Cindy Syafitri, Mariana Diah Puspitasari, Fathurrozi Winjaya Pengembangan Manajemen Sistem Digital dalam Departemen Warehouse Menggunakan Metode SOAR pada PT. XYZ 2024-03-10T06:35:40+00:00 Ryan Firmansyah [email protected] Agustian Suseno [email protected] Billy Nugraha [email protected] <p><em>PT. XYZ is a company that operates in the field of gravure printing and flexible packaging. The development of digital-based warehouse management is based on the SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results) methodology, which in the long term can be used in the field of inventory and also as a strategic planning tool used by organizations to analyze strengths and opportunities and formulate strategic goals with focus. on future goals for appropriate outcomes. The method used is qualitative research observation by analyzing the development of digital system management in the warehouse sector using the SOAR diagram, showing that maximum results can be achieved by analyzing the warehouse management system by considering the SOAR method. The results of the analysis of the development of digital system management in the warehouse department using the SOAR matrix, it can be seen that this was realized because the system has many positive things which are strengths and various opportunities both from an internal and external perspective. One of the strengths of this system is a good system facility with structured goals, both short and long term and based on several strategies that can be taken.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ryan Firmansyah, Agustian Suseno, Billy Nugraha Analisis Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Menggunakan Metode Hazop Studi Kasus: Departemen Teknik PT Sinde Multikemasindo 2024-03-08T10:56:30+00:00 Ahmad Zakaria [email protected] Jauhari Arifin [email protected] Billy Nugraha [email protected] <p><em>PT Sinde Multi Kemasindo is a plastic packaging industry company located in Tambun, West Java. PT Sinde Multi Kemasindo produces products in the form of preforms, 200 Ml bottles, 350 Ml bottles, 500 Ml bottles and screw caps with 2 colors, namely green and blue. PT Sinde Multikemasindo carries out the production process based on orders or direct requests from consumers. Based on the data obtained, from January to November 2023, there were 31 cases of work-related accidents in the engineering department of PT Sinde Multikemasindo, with a description of extreme risk of 0%, high risk of 23%, moderate risk of 61%, and low risk of 16%. with the classification of moderate and mild accidents. In an effort to minimize work accidents, work accident analysis can be carried out using the Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) method and fisbon approach</em> <em>The results found 31 hazards in the engineering department and can be categorized into 31 hazard sources. From the risk level assessment results, there are 0 sources of hazard classified as extreme, 73 sources of hazard classified as high risk, 19 sources of hazard classified as medium risk, and 5 sources of hazard classified as low risk. This study provides recommendations for improvement in the form of conducting inspections to workers, providing signs or posters regarding the use and need for PPE, conducting supervision (punishment and reward system), prohibiting entry into the production work area without using PPE and conducting medical examinations on workers exposed to dust.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Zakaria, Jauhari Arifin, Billy Nugraha Analisis Pemilihan Supplier Pengadaan Mesin Masak Produksi Kecap Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Dan Taguchi Loss Function (Studi Kasus: PT X) 2024-03-16T01:47:53+00:00 Ines Mulia Nurdiana [email protected] Rahaditya Dimas Prihadianto [email protected] Silvi Istiqomah [email protected] <p><em>Procurement is a company activity in obtaining goods according to the specifications they need and meeting the criteria in the form of qualifications, requirements and regulatory rules related to the procurement of goods and services. PT X is a company affiliated with a state-owned enterprise operating in the sugar cane agro-industry sector that produces sweet soy sauce as their downstream product. In this object, researchers found a problem that the production of sweet soy sauce at PT X could not meet the needs of consumer demand due to the limited capacity of the sweet soy sauce cooking machine. Therefore, PT X procures a sweet soy sauce cooking machine with a limited tender auction system. The selection of supplier I (PT KM) and supplier II PT (TSE) which is a soy sauce production cooking machine supplier was selected using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Taguchi Loss Function methods. The results obtained from this study obtained that supplier II (PT TSE) is the best supplier with synthesis results weight of 0.747 or has a percentage of 74.7 as well as the results of Taguchi Loss Function calculations where supplier II fulfills all types of quality loss functions on each price subcriteria, namely on the price of the smaller better machine with a weight of 0.1228, the cost of insurance for the larger better machine with a weight of -0.0920, and the shipping cost of the smaller better with a weight value of 0.0294</em>.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ines Mulia Nurdiana, Rahaditya Dimas Prihadianto, Silvi Istiqomah Penerapan Teknologi Realitas Virtual untuk Pelatihan Keselamatan Pekerja dalam Operasi Mesin Industri Berat 2024-03-16T01:50:23+00:00 Ryan Effendi [email protected] Iwan Zulfikar [email protected] Komeyni Rusba [email protected] Siska Ayu Kartika [email protected] Satrio Darma Utama [email protected] <p>The application of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in worker safety training in heavy industries has been an intriguing subject of research in recent years. This journal article aims to provide a literature review on how VR is utilized in this context. The literature review method is employed to gather, evaluate, and synthesize findings from various related studies. This literature review reveals that the use of VR has proven effective in enhancing worker safety and operational skills in various heavy industries. By enabling training in a simulated virtual environment, VR technology can deliver realistic experiences without actual physical risks. Previous studies indicate that workers who receive VR training tend to have a better understanding of potential risks and safety procedures, leading to a decrease in accident rates. The advantages of VR also include its ability to provide repeatable training without significant additional costs. This allows workers to gain consistent hands-on experience, reinforcing their skills in hazardous situations. Thus, the use of VR in worker safety training in heavy industries promises significant benefits in efforts to improve worker safety and well-being.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ryan Effendi, Iwan Zulfikar, Komeyni Rusba, Siska Ayu Kartika, Satrio Darma Utama The Role of Digitalization of Human Capital Strategies in Developing Employee Quality at PT. Tuah Turangga Agung 2024-03-19T04:18:33+00:00 Muhammad Fikri Bivani Al Qohar [email protected] Ujang Bagus [email protected] Aulia Andriani [email protected] Fachrezi Rizki Hermawan [email protected] Muhammad Hafidz Baidawih [email protected] Muhammad Yoga Pratama [email protected] Revi Dwi Wulani [email protected] Rana Ardila Rahma [email protected] <p>The digitalization of human capital strategies has become a crucial element in enhancing employee quality in the current digital era. In an increasingly interconnected and dynamic business environment, companies need to adopt innovative approaches to strengthen and optimize their human resources. Human capital comprises a combination of knowledge, skills, innovation, and individual capabilities to create value in achieving specific goals. However, the quality of employees at PT. Tuah Turangga Agung, especially in terms of digitalization, still needs improvement. Employee development plans related to digitalization have not been fully realized. This research aims to explore the role of digitalized human capital strategies in enhancing employee quality at the company. Through the application of information and communication technology, companies can improve efficiency in human resource management. Digital innovation and automation enable companies to recruit, identify potential talents, and track employee progress more effectively. This study employs descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods to depict the impact of digitalized human capital strategies on employee quality development. The results indicate a significant and positive effect, urging companies to invest in digital solutions to enhance their workforce quality.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Fikri Bivani Al Qohar, Ujang Bagus, Aulia Andriani, Fachrezi Rizki Hermawan, Muhammad Hafidz Baidawih, Muhammad Yoga Pratama, Revi Dwi Wulani, Rana Ardila Rahma Implementasi Metode Moving Average dan Regresi Linier pada Peramalan Permintaan Mie di PT XYZ 2024-03-19T07:23:54+00:00 Maria Angela Putri Setyawati [email protected] Firda Ainun Nisah [email protected] <p>PT XYZ is a company operating in the food industry. The company produces various kinds of food, such as biscuits, wafers, vermicelli and noodles. Noodle products are the most popular products, and there are often significant changes in each period. This causes fluctuations and results in uncontrolled inventory. PT XYZ can avoid this problem if it has a way to estimate noodle demand. Forecasting is a planning method for estimating products in the future. The moving average and linear regression methods are the methods used in this research. Based on the results of the calculations carried out, the method chosen is the linear regression method because the smallest Mean Squared Error (MSE) value is 620370900 and the tracking signal results from the linear regression method are close to zero. The results of forecasting the need for noodle products for the next period were 169,524 pcs. It is hoped that the results of this forecasting can help PT XYZ in carrying out production planning. </p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Angela Putri Setyawati, Firda Ainun Nisah Analisis dampak Pembangunan Infrastruktur terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Makan dan Usaha oleh-oleh (Studi Kasus Pembangunan Jalan Tol Bangkinang-Pekanbaru 2024-03-28T06:01:42+00:00 Rahmad Akbar [email protected] Dzulhijjah Yetti [email protected] Merlia Rahmayani [email protected] Harmi Yelmi [email protected] Nurbit Nurbit [email protected] Boris Kaido [email protected] <p><em>The development of Bangkinang-Pekanbaru toll road infrastructure has become the government's focus in efforts to improve connectivity and accelerate economic growth in the region. This research aims to analyze the impact of toll road construction on the income of restaurants and souvenir businesses before and after the operation of the toll road. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach with interviews with business owners. Data analysis uses a normality test to ensure the data is normally distributed and a difference test (T-test) to determine differences in respondents' income. The results of the research show that there is a significant difference in income between restaurants and souvenir businesses before and after the toll road. The results of the income normality test at restaurants are normally distributed data with a Sig value. 0.057 &gt; 0.05, and income from the souvenir business is also normally distributed data with a Sig value. 0.281 &gt; 0.05. The results of the Paired Sample T-test concluded that the restaurant obtained a Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, so Ha was accepted "there was a difference in income at the restaurant before and after the Bangkinang-Pekanbaru toll road", whereas in The souvenir business obtained a Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, so Ha was accepted "there was a difference in income in the souvenir business before and after the Bangkinang-Pekanbaru toll road". This research contributes to further understanding of the relationship between toll road infrastructure development and local economic growth, especially in the context of income from restaurants and souvenir businesses.</em></p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmad Akbar, Dzulhijjah Yetti, Merlia Rahmayani, Harmi Yelmi, Nurbit Nurbit, Boris Kaido Implementasi Metode EOQ dan ROP dalam Manajemen Persediaan Bahan Shoe Piston dengan Dukungan Teknologi RFID: Studi Kasus pada PT XYZ 2024-03-20T06:15:01+00:00 Alya Rahma Fitriana [email protected] Wahyudin Wahyudin [email protected] Billy Nugraha [email protected] <p><em>PT XYZ is a manufacturing company in the automotive sector, with six production departments producing different types of spare parts. This research aims to address the stock shortages experienced by PT XYZ to prevent recurrence in the future. The methods used include linear regression for demand forecasting, EOQ and ROP methods for inventory management and determining reorder timing. The research findings indicate that linear regression is suitable for demand forecasting as it shows an increasing trend, indicating a positive relationship between time and demand. The combination of EOQ and ROP can save costs up to Rp 23,651,327,- from the initial costs as per company policy, and reduce ordering frequency to twice a year. The recommended safety stock for materials is 14 coils per month, with reorder required when stock reaches 140 coils. This research is expected to encourage the implementation of linear regression, EOQ, and ROP methods in the company, and propose the use of RFID technology for inventory monitoring in both raw material and finished goods warehouses</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alya Rahma Fitriana, Wahyudin Wahyudin, Billy Nugraha Implementasi Metode Six Sigma dengan Pendekatan DMAIC untuk Meminimalisasi Kecacatan Produk Pancong Pocong UMKM Ketintang 2024-03-21T15:39:13+00:00 Imaniar Ahmad [email protected] Benazir Imam Arif Muttaqin [email protected] Huki Chandra [email protected] <p>SME’s Pancong Pocong Ketintang, an SME’s in Surabaya, is currently facing problems with its products and packaging. Packaging is often not tight and breaks easily, causing the topping to overflow and the packaging to become dirty. To reduce packaging defects, the Six Sigma method with the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) approach is used. This method is effective in reducing defects and improving quality. The result of this research is that the researcher defines the types of defects that exist and determines critical to quality. In the measurement stage, the average DPMO value is 157,088, which means it has a sigma level of 2.51. At the analyze stage, the results obtained from the Pareto diagram showed that the most dominant type of defect was overflowing packaging, amounting to 48%. In the improvement stage, improvements are made using the kaizen five m checklist tool which consists of man, material, method and environment. The final stage, the improvement control provided can be implemented on an ongoing basis by implementing operational standards.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Imaniar Ahmad, Benazir Imam Arif Muttaqin, Huki Chandra Analisis Tingkat Resiko Kecelakaan Kerja pada Galangan Kapal Logistik di PT X dengan Metode HIRARC 2024-01-03T03:59:05+00:00 Anshari Akbar [email protected] Andi Mangka [email protected] Marulan Andivas [email protected] <p>Logistics companies are very important in managing materials for smooth operations. In this company, which specializes in logistics through ocean shipping, faces risks when carrying out tasks such as lifting logistics goods in containers, moving oil, coal, and machine tools. To minimize the possibility of accidents, is necessary to identify, analyze, and manage potential hazards using the HIRARC method. Risk assessment shows variations in risk levels for different activities and control efforts. Hazard control is carried out through measures such as being exposed to embers that cause blisters, which can be prevented by controlling them using complete personal protective equipment, falling from stairs can be prevented by routine inspection of the condition of the stairs, triggering fires in the combustion chamber can be prevented by providing training to oil pump operators, bumping heads can be prevented by wearing safety helmets, and Being crushed by goods can be prevented by neat arrangement of goods.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anshari Akbar, Andi Mangka, Marulan Andivas Perancangan WhatsApp Blasting sebagai Sistem Recruitment di PT. Tuah Turangga Agung 2024-04-01T06:23:17+00:00 Enrique Wibowo [email protected] Ujang Bagus [email protected] Aulia Andriani [email protected] Fachrezi Rizki [email protected] Muhammad Hafidz [email protected] Muhammad Yoga Pratama [email protected] Noppy Agustiyani [email protected] Asep Erik Nugraha [email protected] <p>One of the developments in information technology in today's digital era is the design of information systems. According to this research, using WhatsApp Blasting can improve the performance of the recruitment system. The purpose of this research is to improve the manual method for recruitment. This research is based on design, which is followed by the need for a more automated recruitment process. Surveys and interviews were the data collection methods used to understand the problems faced in the conventional recruitment process. By using WhatsApp Blasting, prospective candidates can receive mass messages that help them communicate better and speed up the selection process. The results showed a decrease in time and cost as well as an increase in responsiveness and efficiency. This study supports the transformation of recruitment systems towards more automated and efficient methods. In addition, the platform provides convenience for both companies and candidates.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Enrique Wibowo, Ujang Bagus, Aulia Andriani, Fachrezi Rizki , Muhammad Hafidz , Muhammad Yoga Pratama, Noppy Agustiyani, Asep Erik Nugraha Analisis Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT. XYZ 2024-04-02T04:45:44+00:00 Akmal Tarmizi [email protected] Muhammad Fikri Bivani Al Qohar [email protected] Ujang Bagus [email protected] Aulia Andriani [email protected] Noppy Agustiyani [email protected] Muhamad Rizki Nur Illahi [email protected] Rana Ardila Rahma [email protected] <p>Organizational culture greatly influences the behavior of organizational members because the value system in organizational culture can be used as a reference for human behavior in an organization that is oriented towards achieving set goals or performance results, so that if the organizational culture is good, it is not surprising that organizational members are good and qualified people as well. This study aims to analyze the effect of organizational culture on employee performance at PT XYZ. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and collecting data from employees who work in the company. The results of data analysis show that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT XYZ because the t test results in this study found that the organizational culture variable has a t count of 5.629, while the t table value has a value of 2.006. Where t count&gt; t table then, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Akmal Tarmizi, Muhammad Fikri Bivani Al Qohar, Ujang Bagus , Aulia Andriani, Noppy Agustiyani, Muhamad Rizki Nur Illahi, Rana Ardila Rahma Analisa Kapasitas Produksi Line Welding LDT Menggunakan Metode Rough Cut Capacity Planning pada PT. ABC 2024-04-11T00:37:38+00:00 Fauzan Wijdan Hilmi Edison [email protected] Winarno Winarno [email protected] Billy Nugraha [email protected] <p>PT ABC is a limited liability company engaged in heavy automotive production that has many products such as medium trucks, small trucks, bus chassis, engines and other spare parts. In assembling a <em>Light Duty Truck</em> through several work stations and must go through production schedule planning to meet the requested production demand. In the case of the welding line, there is a mismatch in production results with the planned production results at the end of the production period not in accordance with the scheduling carried out. So it is necessary to analyze production capacity using the calculation of Rough Cut Capacity Planning, after the calculation it is found that there are still several work stations that experience a lack of production capacity of -849 hours and excess capacity for production throughout the 12-month period. This shows that the lack of efficiency of the available capacity at each station in the LDT welding line so that it cannot produce according to the planned production demand</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzan Wijdan Hilmi Edison, Winarno Winarno, Billy Nugraha Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengayak Terasi Bubuk Guna Meningkatkan Output Produksi dengan Pendekatan Antropometri 2024-04-22T03:21:24+00:00 Nurul Febyyanti [email protected] Jaka Purnama [email protected] <p>Increased consumer demand makes UMKM H.J Irin experience obstacles that are quite influential on production process activities. In this study, an ergonomic sieving machine design with anthropometric methods was carried out with the aim of helping the sieving process to be faster and increase productivity. Anthropometry is a method used to determine the size that is in accordance with anthropometric data obtained from the measurement of the worker's body. This research uses the time study method by making direct observations recording normal time and standard time. From the results of data processing that has been carried out from the anthropometric results of workers, the dimensions of the machine are obtained at a machine height of 82 cm, a machine width of 50 cm, and a machine reach of 67 cm. The increase that occurs in the sieving process is obtained an increase in productivity that occurs by 1.40%, with details of the productivity of manual sieving tools of 14% and after the design of the machine as much as 15.40%.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Febyyanti , Jaka Purnama Perhitungan Tingkat Resiko Terhadap Keputusan Investasi Mesin Heidelberg 2024-04-22T07:21:00+00:00 Faricha Amarah Dhani [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p>KGU is a company operating in the offset printing industry which produces story book series. In the last 6 months, KGU has experienced a decline in productivity and production targets have not been achieved. This happens because Komori engines often experience damage. Frequent downtime causes companies to want to replace machines by considering the company's cash flow. The purpose of this research is to determine the feasibility value of investment. The company will replace the Komori engine, by investing in a Heidelberg engine at a price of Rp. 760,000,0000. Investment analysis uses the NPV, IRR, Payback Period and Profitability Index methods. The results of the analysis used are NPV of IDR 793,678,932 &gt; 0, IRR of 21.72%, payback period for return of investment capital which is 3 years 11 months, profitability index of 2.04&gt; 1. Correlation coefficient value (risk value) 1, 62%. Based on the investment analysis, Heidelberg machines are worth investing in, because investing in these machines can streamline the production process, increase production results and company income</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Faricha Amarah Dhani, Hery Murnawan Perancangan Alat Pencelupan Benang untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Produksi pada Proses Pencelupan Benang pada UMKM H. Muslikun 2024-05-04T23:42:54+00:00 Badrus Sibyan Zain [email protected] Jaka Purnama [email protected] <p><em>UMKM H. Muslikun is a business that produces traditional woven sarongs. In the production process, the yarn dyeing process is one of the important processes and has an influence on the products produced. In this yarn dyeing process, manual tools are still used, and the position is less ergonomic because the worker bends slightly, besides that the production capacity that can be produced is still quite small. This results in workers feeling less comfortable and the need for threads being unable to be met if at any time there is an increase in demand due to increased production. Therefore, from this, in this research a yarn dyeing tool will be created that is in accordance with ergonomics using anthropometric methods with the aim of making workers comfortable and increasing production capacity in the yarn dyeing process. From anthropometric data processing, the machine dimensions are 100 cm high and 58 cm wide. From the test results, it was found that the capacity of yarn that could be dyed was 160 rolls from the previous 150 rolls of yarn.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Badrus Sibyan Zain, Jaka Purnama Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Rak Display Guna Mengurangi Cacat di UD. Afareza Rajarak 2024-05-05T23:23:41+00:00 Mhammad Zain Al Ansori [email protected] Siti Muhimatul Khoiroh [email protected] <p><em>UD Afareza Rajarak is an industrial engaged in manufacturing and&nbsp;retail trade that produces racks. Two types of products&nbsp;are&nbsp;often ordered&nbsp;by customers, namely&nbsp;wall shelves and wicket racks.&nbsp;There are 4 product defects&nbsp;such as imprecise&nbsp;transverse wire, bent hollow iron, bent transverse wire, and poor welding residue.&nbsp;The highest percentage of defects for wall rack products was 4.81% in January 2024&nbsp;and&nbsp;wicket racks were 5.05% in December 2023.&nbsp;Causing&nbsp;turnover losses to UD. Afareza Rajarak annually, with the&nbsp;largest&nbsp;loss in December amounting to Rp 3,956,250. This study aims to determine the factors that cause defects and how to reduce product defects in UD. Afareza Rajarak uses&nbsp;the Plan Do Check Act&nbsp;(PDCA) and&nbsp;Failure Mode and Effects Analysis&nbsp;(FMEA) methods. The factors causing damage are human factors,&nbsp;methods, machines, raw materials, and the environment. Apply fixes based on PDCA methods that have&nbsp;been performed.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Quality, Product, Defective, PDCA, FMEA</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mhammad Zain Al Ansori Ansori, Siti Muhimatul Khoiroh Perancangan Alat Cetak Pelet Ayam Portabel Guna Mengurangi Biaya Pembelian Pakan (Studi KAsus: Peternakan Pak Musraji) 2024-05-07T05:10:39+00:00 M Danyago Prayoga [email protected] Herlina Herlina [email protected] <p>The design of a pellet molding tool is a solution to reduce the burden of broiler feed production and reduce the cost of purchasing feed. In this design I innovated a portable chicken pellet molding tool that can be used without having to have an electrical outlet nearby. The working principle of this pellet molding tool is sequentially when the electric motor is turned on, the feed raw material mixture is fed into the funnel, the engine power will be distributed to the axle screw via a v-belt transmission by moving the roller press which functions to stir the pellet raw material. Pellet raw materials that have been thoroughly mixed will fall down to the end of the output funnel. The pellet raw material mixture will come out through the hole screen to form pellets. The results of the trial of a chicken pellet press with a 5Kw motor can produce 100 kg/hour of chicken pellets and a cost efficiency of IDR 25,920,000/month is also obtained.&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M Danyago Prayoga, Herlina Herlina Analisa Perbaikan Mesin Cutting Guna Mengurangi Frekuensi Kerusakan dan Jam Perbaikan Mesin 2024-05-08T12:49:19+00:00 Salsa Veby Indah Pratiwi [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p><em>The smoothness of the production process in the midst of increasingly tight product competition is one of the important factors that needs to be prioritized, especially in production facilities or machines used for operation. losses for the company in terms of time, costs and reduced machine capacity. So an improvement analysis is carried out by looking at historical data on the cutting machine. This historical analysis can determine corrective and maintenance actions that must be carried out. After carrying out historical analysis, it was found that in 2023 the average percentage of machine damage was 44% with a total downtime of 1115.98 hours and total production of 2541.48 hours. loss amounted to Rp. 132,057,145, while in 2024 the average percentage of damage was 46% with a total downtime of 373.24 hours and total production of 809.33 hours. It is said that the company experienced a production process due to damage to the plong machine amounting to 54% with a total loss amounting to Rp. 65,228,673. Historically this machine is a reference in reducing the frequency and time of damage</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salsa Veby Indah Pratiwi, Hery Murnawan Perancangan Alat Bantu Penghitung Pentol untuk Mempermudah Proses Pengemasan Berdasarkan Antropometri Pekerja 2024-05-09T02:50:31+00:00 Moch. Rizal Gita Firstyawan [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p>The "Raja Gresik" meatball factory was established in 2008 and was established in 2018. One of the problems at this factory was that when carrying out the process of packaging meatball in plastic packs, there were packs whose quantity did not match the specifications for the number of meatball of that type. With the existing problems, it is hoped that this research can help the "Raja Gresik" meatball factory to reduce defects in calculating meatball in packs and make workers less tired because the design of the meatball counting tool is in accordance with the anthropomometry of workers. The existence of this tool can reduce losses from an inappropriate number of meatballs in the pack, which will effectively prevent product defects from excess or shortage of meatball. Also, the presence of this tool makes the packaging process time faster from 30 seconds to 23.43 seconds after using this tool. And it can be used for worker anthropometry, namely hand reach length, knee height and standing elbow height.</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moch. Rizal Gita Firstyawan, Hery Murnawan Pendekatan Min-Max Dalam Strategi Perencanaan Bahan Baku Plant Bm Gresik Guna Meminimalisir Biaya Persediaan Bahan Baku 2024-05-09T14:17:03+00:00 Jean Audi Cahaya Nirwana [email protected] Herlina Herlina [email protected] <p><em>PT Varia Usaha Beton is a reliable and reliable concrete company. Every day, PT. Varia Usaha Beton always gets orders for various paving products from various cities according to the products available at PT. Varia Usaha Concrete Plant BM Gresik. PT. Varia Usaha Beton Plant BM Gresik uses 5 main raw materials for paving production, namely fly ash, 5-10 stone, 0/5 stone, cement and Lumajang sand. Raw material planning at PT. The BM Gresik Concrete Plant Business Varia often goes out of control, resulting in shortages (stock out) or excess raw materials (overstock). Uncontrolled raw materials sector results in high inventory costs. The aim of this research is to plan raw material requirements and minimize costs using the min-max method by determining the optimal order quantity, minimum and maximum stock that must be met, reorder pont, safety stock, and total inventory cost. With this research using the min-max method, results were obtained that minimized inventory costs. For fly ash raw materials, total inventory cost efficiency results were obtained at 3%, for 5-10 stone raw materials, total inventory cost efficiency results were obtained at 63%, for 0/5 raw materials, total inventory cost efficiency results were 6%. For cement, total inventory cost efficiency results were obtained at 15%, and for Lumajang sand raw materials, total inventory cost efficiency results were obtained at 20%.</em></p> <p> </p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jean Audi Cahaya Nirwana, Herlina Herlina Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Guna Mengoptimalkan Penyimpanan pada Gudang 2024-05-09T14:18:27+00:00 Kresna Frantiarno Hardianto [email protected] Jaka Purnama [email protected] <p><em>The rapid development in the industrial world forces industry players to be required to pay attention to all aspects of business in their efforts to survive in competition, including control of raw material storage for the smooth production process. UD. XYZ is an industry engaged in the production of shovels, which in the production process involves several raw materials on a fairly large scale. The limited raw material storage space available results in frequent accumulation of some raw materials which can have an effect on the continuity of the production process. Calculations are carried out using the ABC classification method, inventory turnover ratio, and min-max stock on raw material control to avoid the accumulation of raw materials in the storage room. It was noted that there were several raw materials that experienced accumulation such as iron plates, iron pipes, screws and welding wires</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kresna Frantiarno Hardianto, Jaka Purnama Analisis Kelayakan Investasi Mesin Printing Percetakan Offset untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Hasil Output pada PT. XYZ 2024-05-10T02:30:02+00:00 Elvia Defitriana Putri [email protected] Herlina Herlina [email protected] <p>The aim of this research is to find out whether purchasing an offset printing machine is feasible or not. In problems One way to find out how much money an investment will generate for a company is to carry out financial analysis. The calculations used include: finding the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP), and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). This research was conducted at PT. XYZ, starting from February to July 2024. Field studies, interviews and data collection were carried out to analyze the feasibility of investing in an offset printing machine. Quantitative and qualitative analysis, such as OEE, Depreciation, NPV, IRR, and PP. The results demonstrate a worthy investment with a comprehensive picture of engine performance. The conclusion provides a clear view of the feasibility of the investment and directions for future business development. The analysis results show that the offset printing machine at PT. XYZ has an OEE below 85%, indicating that its efficiency is less than optimal. This suggests the need to replace machines with new ones to increase production effectiveness. In addition, the depreciation calculation shows an estimated depreciation cost of IDR 1,080,000,000 per year, which must be considered in long-term financial planning. However, the NPV results show that the investment is feasible with a value of IDR 227,607,149</p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elvia Defitriana Putri, Herlina Herlina Inovasi Meja Peniris Pentol Guna Mengoptimalkan Proses Pengeringan Pentol dengan Metode Antropometri 2024-05-10T11:18:49+00:00 Jendra Davira [email protected] Hery Murnawan [email protected] <p><em>Drying foods such as pentol is a crucial process in the food industry that affects the quality, safety and shelf life of the product. However, there are still challenges in optimizing this drying process to ensure efficiency and consistency of the final result. In this research, I innovate a bulb draining table that utilizes anthropometric methods to improve the comfort and quality of bulb drying. Anthropometric methods are used to understand the dimensions and characteristics of various bulbs, thereby enabling the design of draining tables that are more appropriate to the needs of the drying process. Apart from that, this innovation also includes the creation of waste collection containers, thereby ensuring hygiene and quality. With this approach, it is hoped that this pentol draining table innovation can increase the efficiency of the drying process, reduce production time and costs, and improve the quality of the final product</em></p> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jendra Davira, Hery Murnawan Indonesia’s Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Performance: Why Do Export Activities Exist? 2024-05-10T11:27:22+00:00 Halia Butra Aini [email protected] Vivi Usmayanti [email protected] Dwi Darma Puspita Sari [email protected] <div><span lang="IN">This study aims to analyze the performance of Indonesia’s CPO exports and the effect of world CPO prices, rupiah exchange rate per US dollar and CPO production on the supply of CPO export in Indonesia from 1995-2020. The method that used in this research is Error Correction Model (ECM). The results of descriptive analysis are reflected: (a), the export volume of Indonesia’s CPO is very fluctuating in relation to the development of production variables, the value of the rupiah per US dollar and the world CPO export price; (b), the competitiveness of Indonesia’s CPO exports computed by the RCA Index reflects a relatively low competitiveness are less than one, but the trend has improved since 2012, where the RCA Index is greater than one. The regression results showed that, in the long-term, CPO production have a positive and significant impact on the CPO exports growth during the period, whereas in the short term the production have a negative and insignificant effect. The world price of CPO in the long and short-term prices have a negative and insignificant effect. The rupiah exchange rate per US dollars in the long term and short term have negative and significant effect. In the long term all independent variables have significant effect on the dependent variable, while in the short term all the variables have no significant effect on export volume variables.</span></div> 2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Halia Butra Aini, Vivi Uusmayanti, Dwi Darma Puspita Sari