Analisis Karakteristik Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas di Ruas Jalan Pekanbaru - Simpang TB
karakteristik kecelakaan, kendaraan bermotor, lalu lintasAbstract
The increase in population results in an increase in the number of vehicle use movements which can result in traffic flow problems such as traffic jams, air pollution, noise or noise and traffic accidents. Efforts to reduce traffic accidents can be done if the characteristics and causes are known. The problem of traffic accidents needs to be done research that aims to determine the characteristics of accidents that occur along Jalan Pekanbaru Simpang TB based on accident data that occurred in 2014-2018. This research is a quantitative research. The accident data used in this analysis is accident data on Jalan Pekanbaru – Simpang TB in 2014-2018. The analysis used is a descriptive quantitative analysis covering the number of accidents, time, type, type of vehicle, condition of the victim, gender, age and material losses incurred. caused. The number of traffic accidents that occurred on the Pekanbaru – Simpang TB road during the period 2014 – 2018 was 134 incidents, the highest occurred during the day (12.00-17.59) with 46 incidents, occurred in July and November as many as 14 incidents (10.45%). . The highest type of collision, namely the type of front-front collision, had 64 incidents (47.76%) with the most types of vehicles, namely motorcycles, with 86 vehicles (64.18%). Based on the condition of the highest victim, 104 victims (39.69%) with minor injuries, with the highest gender being male with 120 victims (89.55%). The age of the highest accident victims was at the age of 15-25 years, 26-35 years and 36-45 years, each with 39 victims (29.10%) with a total loss of Rp. 635,052,000.00,-References
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