Analisis Kerentanan Bangunan Gedung Terhadap Gempa Bumi Dengan Rapid Visual Screening


  • Felia Ramadhanti Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Pahlawan
  • Hanantatur Adeswastoto Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Pahlawan
  • Beny Setiawan Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Pahlawan


Earthquake, FEMA P-154, RVS, Kampar


Indonesia has a very high level of natural disasters, one of which is an earthquake. Kampar Regency is one of the regencies in Riau province which has a fairly high earthquake risk compared to other districts. The purpose of writing this final project is to analyze the vulnerability of buildings to earthquakes using Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) based on FEMA P-154 2015 third edition. The case study of building observations was carried out in 3 buildings, namely the Kampar Regent's Office, the Kampar Regency BAPPEDA Office, and the Kampar Regency DPRD Office, Riau Province. Based on the location coordinates of the building shows buildings that are reviewed in this study are in an area with a fairly high seismic risk (moderately high).The results showed that the Kampar Regent's Office Building and the Kampar BAPPEDA Office had a final score greater than 2 so that the building could be declared safe against earthquake risk based on FEMA P-154. While the Kampar DPRD Office Building has a final score of 2 with an S value of 1.3 with a potential vulnerability of 5.01%, it can be interpreted that 5.01% of the building is vulnerable to earthquakes or the potential to collapse in the event of a shock or earthquake. Vertical Irregularity, Plan Irregularity and Soil Type are very strong parameters in determining the evaluation based on FEMA P-154, because these values are deducting value factors that can affect the level of vulnerability of a building to earthquake hazards.


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